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She’s Gone Missing (The Epidemic You Don’t Hear About): Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

Heather Bruegl
Thursday, November 18, 2021
7:30-8:30 PM
Off Campus Location
She’s Gone Missing (The Epidemic You Don’t Hear About): Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

There is an epidemic that no one is talking about outside of Indian Country. When an Indigenous woman goes missing, you don’t hear about it. Why? Within our community we are dealing with an epidemic of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. With numbers so high that they are unreported, how do we deal with it all? Why aren’t there concrete statistics? Why do the crimes go unreported? What has the FBI done to help with this epidemic? Let’s talk some history and try to find out why this is an issue, let’s learn about ‘Missing White Woman Syndrome’ and how that plays a role in the media. Learn what you can do in and out of Indian Country to make sure that our sisters, mothers, daughters, wives, girlfriends, women, don’t become a statistic.

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Building: Off Campus Location
Location: Virtual
Event Type: Workshop / Seminar
Tags: Academics, Activism, All Majors Welcome, american culture, Anti-racism, Community Engagement, cultural, dialogue, Discussion, Diversity, Education, family friendly, Graduate, Graduate School, Graduate Students, Interdisciplinary, Intersectionality, MESA, multi-ethnic student affairs, Multicultural, Native American, Native American Heritage Month
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Multi Ethnic Student Affairs - MESA, Native American Student Association, Native American Studies