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Museum Studies Minors are invited to apply for a funding award to support their work in a summer internship toward completion of the MUSEUMS 409 requirement.

Terms of the Scholarship

The “Museum Studies Minor Scholarship for Summer Internships” is a merit-based scholarship.  Applications will be judged on the basis of students’ academic record, interest in building a list of professional experiences in museums, and general participation in the social and intellectual life of the minor.

The range of the award is $1500–$5000 for the summer.  Lower sums are awarded if the internship is already partially funded or if the applicant has made arrangements for rent-free lodging, higher sums if a student must find housing. The duration of the internship is also taken into consideration.

Applicants must have completed MUSEUMS 301 and officially declared the Museum Studies Minor.

Students must secure a signed internship contract prior to applying. Students needing direction in the process of identifying and securing an internship are encouraged to meet with the primary advisor for the Museum Studies Minor.  [Detailed information about Museum Studies internships can be found in the Internships Folder on the Canvas site for the minor.]

MUSEUMS 409 requires that students complete a minimum of 126 hours of supervised work, complete a series of 6-7 reflective writing assignments, and schedule a final 30 minute meeting with the primary advisor for the Museum Studies minor to discuss the internship.  Over the summer, students are strongly encouraged to pursue their internship over a period of several months duration as significant benefit accrues from a longer exposure to the museum environment.  That said, the funding supports internships in many different types of museums and related institutions.

Students taking MUSEUMS 409 for a second time will be considered for this award although priority will be given to students who have not received the award previously. 


  • Undergraduate students who have completed MUSEUMS 301 and declared the Museum Studies minor at the University of Michigan may apply.
  • International students are eligible.
  • Applicants should be returning as enrolled students in the fall semester following completion of the internship (unless registered for spring/summer semester).
  • Students who have a FAFSA on file with the Office of Financial Aid and who are eligible for and receive need-based aid through the Office of Financial Aid must apply first for funding through the LSA Opportunities Hub.
  • Museum Studies minors who are also History of Art majors (where a similar funding opportunity exists) may apply through only one of the two programs.


The application consists of:

  1. A copy of the signed internship contract for MUSEUMS 409 (including a two paragraph narrative description of the work to be undertaken)
  2. A short statement indicating how the experience fits into a larger program of study and career development  
  3. A budget indicating basic expenses (e.g. housing, food and travel arrangements) and indicating how the scholarship will help make the internship possible

The scanned application should be sent by email as a single document with the heading “Internship Scholarship” to Christy Elkins ([email protected]). 


Applications may be submitted at any point in the Winter semester. Review will begin on March 15 and awards will be announced in early April.  Funds will be disbursed at the beginning of the Spring term.