Conference participants in front of the Michigan Union
Additional pictures below: Kuenzel, main conference room, poster display and participant discussion in the Wolverine Room
Images by Stacy Tiburzi
Slide Presentation Links
Conel Alexander (Carnegie DTM)
Geoff Blake (Caltech, GPS)
Gregor Golabek (University of Bayreuth)
James Greenwood (Wesleyan University)
Marc Hirschmann (University of Minnesota)
Andrew Jephcoat (Okayama University)
Katherine Kretke (Southwest Research Institute)
Sujoy Mukhopadhyay (University of California, Davis)
Sean Raymond (CNRS)
Leslie Rogers (University of Chicago)
Colette Salyk (Vasser College)
Hilke Schlichting (University of California, Los Angeles)
Alexander Tielens (Leiden University)
Diana Valencia (U. Toronto)
Angie Wolfgang (Penn State)
Image Credit: Amaury Triaud
October 16-17, 2017
Michigan Union / Kuenzel Room /
530 S. State St. / Ann Arbor
University of Michigan Central Campus
Questions: Email [email protected]
About the Workshop
This meeting will bring together experts from geophysics, cosmo-chemistry, planetary science, astronomy, and other disciplines, to address critical aspects of planet formation that may influence the volatile content of planets found inside the ice-line.
Questions that will be addressed include:
- the primary carrier of various volatiles in evolving protoplanetary disk;
- whether volatiles are retained in primordial bodies, or are delivered later as icy or wet planetesimals;
- how volatiles are processed or lost during various stages of planetesimals growth;
- the timing of volatile delivery in terms of the presence/absence of a magma ocean; and
- the fate of the delivered material which could be carried by differentiating metals into the planet core or blasted into space by impact.