May 18-19, 2015
The Solar-Stellar Connection:
Influence of stars on their astrospheres
Credit: A. Aarnio, compiled from NASA artist rendering, NASA/SOHO and NASA/SDO data
University of Michigan, North Campus
2246 Space Research Building
2455 Hayward
Workshop Overview
The idea that the Sun is representative of a larger class of solar-type stars dates back to at least 1915, when George Hale suggested there likely exist untold number of stars exhibiting solar-like phenomena. This solar-stellar connection is of interest to solar physicists and astrophysicists alike: on the one hand,we seek to know the early history and future evolution of the Sun, and at the same time, the Sun is a uniquely situated laboratory which Informs our interpretation and understanding of the physics of distant stellar analogs.
The solar-stellar connection is most clearly manifest in energetc phenomena, events that shape early planet forming history and could threaten life as we now know it.
In this workshop, we will review the solar-stellar connection in three areas of ongoing research at UM:
- magnetic activity,
- winds and mass loss, and
- the interaction of the Sun and stars with their
surrounding environs via space weather and
star-disk interaction.
Scientific Organizing Committee
Alicia Aarnio | Justin Kasper | Sue Lepri | John Monnier | Emily Rauscher