Research Associate Professor of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering
My research interests concern solar magnetism and magnetic flux transport from below the photosphere into the corona and through the heliosphere. In this context, I have contributed to basic theory and modeling efforts with analytical work and large scale numerical simulations. The topics that I am particularly interested in are: magnetic flux emergence, magnetohydrodynamic instabilities, coronal mass ejection initiation and propagation, and global heliospheric structure. Flux emergence was the topic of my thesis, which demonstrates that the buoyant rise of magnetic fields from the solar interior naturally leads to the formation of highly sheared coronal arcades. I have extended this modeling effort to include the buoyant rise of magnetic flux ropes from the convection zone into the corona. While at the University of Michigan, I have performed numerical MHD simulations describing the time-dependent expulsion of CMEs from the solar corona. More recently, I have modeled the propagation of CMEs from the corona to the Earth with unprecedented numerical resolution to predict the impact on the Earth’s magnetosphere.