Arthur F. Thurnau Professor; Professor of Astronomy and Physics
Professor Evrard studies phenomenological problems in cosmology using computational modeling of the formation and evolution of large-scale cosmic structure. By modeling the complex astrophysical processes that shape the development of its visible components on galactic and larger scales, virtual worlds are realized within the framework of a particular cosmological model dominated by unseen components of dark matter and dark energy. Synthetic observations of the visible structures contained on such virtual skies offer the means for direct comparison to observations of our own universe obtained by ground- and space-based telescopes. Comparative studies of statistical samples are then used to address questions ranging from the fundamental (What are the energy and matter components that dominate our universe?) to the detailed (How well do visible and dark matter components trace one another within a cluster of galaxies?).
Professor Evrard is a member of the Dark Energy Survey, the XMM XXL survey and the Virgo Consortium. Modeling by him and his group is done on supercomputers located at Michigan and at national high performance computing centers. Support for Professor Evrard’s research has come from NASA, NSF, DOE, NATO and the University of Michigan.
For more information on Professor Evrard, see his homepage.
Selected Publications:
Problem Roulette: Studying Introductory Physics in the Cloud, (A. E. Evrard, M. Mills, D. Winn, K. Jones, J. Tritz, and T. A. McKay), Am. J. Phys. (in press, 2014, arXiv:1309.7678).
Virial Scaling of Galaxies in Clusters: Bright to Faint is Cool to Hot, (H.-Y. Wu, O. Hahn, A. E. Evrard, R. H. Wechsler, and K. Dolag), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 436, 372 (December, 2013).
Enabling Dark Energy Survey Science Analysis with Simulations on XSEDE Resources, (B. M. S. Erickson, R. Singh, A. E. Evrard, M. R. Becker, M. T. Busha, A.V. Kravtsov, S. Marru, M. Pierce, and R. H. Wechsler), ACM Proc. of XSEDE13 Conference (2013).
Cosmological Parameters from Observations of Galaxy Clusters, (S. W. Allen, A. E. Evrard, and A. B. Mantz), Ann. Rev. Astro. Astrophys. 49, 409 (2011).
Cosmological Constraints from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey maxBCG Cluster Catalog, (E. Rozo et al., 13 co-authors), Astrophys. J. 708, 645 (2010).
Virial Scaling of Massive Dark Matter Halos: Why Clusters Prefer a High Normalization Cosmology, (A. E. Evrard et al., 16 authors), Astrophys. J. 672, 122 (2008).
Simulations of the Formation, Evolution and Clustering of Galaxies and Quasars, (Springel et al., Virgo Consortium), Nature 435, 629 (2005).
The Mass Function of Dark Matter Haloes, (A. Jenkins, C. S. Frenk, S. D. M. White, J. M. Colberg, S. Cole, A. E. Evrard, H. M. P. Couchman, and N. Yoshida), Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 321(2), 372-384 (February 2001).
Two-Fluid Simulations of Galaxy Formation, (A. E. Evrard, F. J. Summers, and M. Davis), Astrophysical Journal 422(1), 11-36 (February 1994).
The Baryon Content of Galaxy Clusters - a Challenge to Cosmological Orthodoxy, (S. D. M. White, J. F. Navarro, A. E. Evrard, and C. S. Frenk), Nature 366(6454), 429 (December 1993).
Field(s) of Study