High Energy Density Summer School (HEDSS 2014)
Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences News
College of Engineering
University of Michigan
The 2014 High Energy Density Summer School (HEDSS) will be held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 16th to the 28th, 2014. This year's program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration and the Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences in the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan.
High-energy-density physics is an actively growing field that exploits the ability of various modern devices to create pressures of millions of atmospheres in dynamic, high-temperature, and even relativistic systems. This field of physics is essential to inertial fusion research, to using such tools to address issues in astrophysics, and to other fundamental studies and applications.
The HEDSS Summer School aims to promote the spread of broad, fundamental knowledge in the field of high energy density physics and to help train the new entrants to it.
Topics to be covered include:
Fundamental Equations and Equations of State
Rarefactions, and their Interactions
Hydrodynamic Instabilities
Radiative Transfer
Radiation Hydrodynamics
Creating High-Energy-Density Conditions
Inertial Fusion
Experimental Astrophysics
Relativistic Systems
book on high-energy-density physics authored by Prof. R.P. Drake, available from Springer Verlag
Prof. R.P. Drake's book is available
for purchase from Springer Verlag
The course includes approximately 40 hours of lecture on 11 days, in addition to time for reading, working problems, and discussions. The lectures will be based on the book on high-energy-density physics authored by Prof. R.P. Drake, available from Springer Verlag. Dr. Drake, Dr. Carolyn Kuranz and Dr. Alec Thomas will present the lectures.
The course is aimed primarily at graduate students, young scientists, and experienced scientists who are just entering high-energy-density physics. Both the book and the lectures assume facility with partial differential vector calculus.
This year there will be free lodging (University of Michigan North Quad Housing) and some travel support for graduate students and postdocs. The facilities (both housing and classroom) are excellent, with plenty of nice places to study or talk, and good internet connections.
Further details, including how to apply for travel and lodging support, will soon be available on the HEDSS web site. In the interim, if you would like further information, please contact Jan Beltran, [email protected].