Jon Pearcy-Fall 2018
Name: Jon Pearcy
Hometown: Grand Rapids
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Internship placement: Office of Senator Gary Peters
Why did you decide to do Michigan in Washington?
I’ve always had mixed interests in both engineering and politics. When I came to college I stuck mostly with my engineering interests and MIW seemed like a good way to work more with my political interests. Coming here has let me see that it’s very possible to mix
the two!
What do you do during a typical day at your internship?
During a typical day I sort and enter constituent mail, and then work on one of several projects such as attending briefings and writing follow up memos, doing research for policy briefs on space policy topics, or writing constituent response letters.
Which elective are you taking and what’s the most interesting part of the class?
I’m taking the class on Lobbying, Money, and Influence in DC. The most interesting part has been getting an inside look into how lobbying really works, including both its benefits and shortcomings, from someone with intimate experience in the area.
What do you like to do in D.C. during your free time?
I like going to all the museums and events that are going on in DC. There’s always something to find, like a cool band, an event at an embassy, or a festival.
What’s something on your D.C. bucket list?
I still need to go see something at the Kennedy Center!
What advice would you give to a student interested in Michigan in Washington?
Make the most of your time here! That applies to both your internship and your free time. Lots of internships are what you make of them, you might need to ask for more interesting work or reach out to people in your office in order to find projects that you want to do. There’s also so many networking opportunities here. Don’t be afraid to reach out to people, UM alum or not, to meet up and get coffee. Everyone likes students, and it will give you a chance to meet some really cool people! Just find a way to get in contact with them, tell them a little about yourself, and explain why you’d like to talk to them.