Brandon Pope-Fall 2018
Name: Brandon Pope
Hometown: Manchester, MI
Major: Political Science Minor: Community Action and Social Change
Internship placement: USAID’s Bureau of Legislative and Public Affairs
Why did you decide to do Michigan in Washington?
I wanted to push myself both professionally and academically and felt like the MIW program would help me do that while also allowing me to see if I would enjoy living and working in Washington after school.
What do you do during a typical day at your internship?
As a legislative affairs intern I am responsible for drafting reports on the work that USAID does across the world, attending House and Senate hearings/briefings and creating read outs with useful information for Congressional liaison officers, along with assisting at events such as USAID’s Mission Director Conference.
Which elective are you taking and what’s the most interesting part of the class?
I am taking a course called “Lobbying, Money, and Influence” with Dr. Billet. The most interesting part of the class has been hearing the lobbying stories that Dr. Billet shares from his time at AT&T. Prior to the course I knew very little about the lobbying process and how to go about successfully lobbying for an idea or policy.
What do you like to do in D.C. during your free time?
I have enjoyed taking the time to see the free museums/events, attending policy discussions at think tanks, and exploring the city with my friends!
What’s something on your D.C. bucket list?
I want to take a day and go on a tour of the Goddard Space Center.
What advice would you give to a student interested in Michigan in Washington?
I would say that no matter your major or financial need, if you are at all interested you should apply for the program. I was concerned about not being paid while I worked here but the program does a wonderful job of supporting all of the students in the MIW program.