May 6 Connell Symposium "Breakthroughs in Biology"
UPDATE: Read the Michigan Daily story about the symposium by MICHAL RUPRECHT, Daily Staff Reporter and undergrad researcher in the Denver Lab.
A year in the planning to celebrate the opening of the Biological Sciences Building, MCDB presents the 2019 Connell Symposium on May 6, 2019. Keynote speakers are Nobelists Randy Schekman and Thomas Sudhof and eminent biologists Joanne Chory and Jeannie Lee. The theme is "Breakthroughs in Biology."
The all-day event also features talks by MCDB alumnus Robert Raguso, professors Robert Denver and Ursula Jakob, and graduate students Shyama Nandakumar and Taylor Nye.
The talks begin at 8:30 am in the Amphitheatre of the Rackham Building. A poster session in the West Atrium of the Biological Sciences Building rounds out the afternoon, beginning at 4:30 pm.
More details on the program can be found on the MCDB Connell Suymposium website.
The Connell Symposium is made possible by an endowment in memory of nature photographer Priscilla Connell.