Students may have testing accommodations due to disability, which is communicated through the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Office. It is the responsibility of the instructor of a course to provide testing accommodations. The Testing Accommodation Center (TAC) is a limited capacity resource available to faculty in order to support the efforts of providing accommodated testing.
Course Instructors will need to reach out to the TAC to arrange testing accommodations via the Accommodate Portal for their students who have a formal accommodation letter from the SSD Office. The TAC requires instructors to submit requests at least two weeks in advance of the exam date. Space is provided on a first come, first serve basis. As this is a limited resource, the SSD Office requests faculty use existing resources prior to utilizing the TAC. Other options include holding the exam in your office or getting in touch with Student Services regarding reserving a classroom or conference room.
In the event there is no room at the TAC, or an emergency arises, exams may be scheduled in the Student Services Office. In this situation, the instructor is responsible for providing a proctor and for scheduling the exam during normal working hours (8:00am-5:00pm). The student services staff can assist with starting and ending the exam provided details of the exam conditions are provided in written form (email if fine). The request should be sent to [email protected] and include date, time, conditions, and proctor name.
It is in the best interest of the student to have the exam proctored in a space specifically designed to accommodate their needs.
Mathematics Department Policy on Testing Accommodations
Accommodate - Faculty Instructions