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Social Gatherings

Students are provided with many opportunities to become part of the vibrant mathematical community at Michigan. For example:

  • Students gather in 1360EH every Thursday at 4PM for Math Club—a typical meeting features free pizza and pop after a 40-45 minute math talk.
  • Throughout the year, the Department hosts socials associated with special lecture series (for example, the annual Marjorie Lee Browne colloquium lecture is held on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day).
  • Occasional special events the annual Career Conference, provide additional opportunities to enjoy the company of other students of mathematics

Math Talks

The Mathematics Department offers a wide range of weekly seminars. You can find many events via the link Happening @ Michigan. Some seminars, like Math Club are (usually) accessible to all students, while others, like the Kottwitz Seminar, What is a …? , or Departmental Colloquium, are (usually) accessible to advanced undergraduates. To sign up for the weekly Math Missive that contains a list of many events and opportunities please email [email protected] and request to be added to the Math Club MCommunity group.

Outreach Opportunities

There are many opportunities for outreach in the Department. Some are run through student organizations (e.g., SAM, STEM Society, and WIM), others come from outside organizations, and some, like the Michigan Math Circle, originate in the Department.

The Michigan Math Circle is designed for middle school and high school students who “live and breathe” mathematics. Sessions occur on Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 8 on the second floor of East Hall. If you would like to gain some experience teaching, then please contact the Michigan Math Circle.

Teaching Experiences

An excellent way to improve your mastery of mathematics is to become involved in teaching it. There are positions available to undergraduates as graders and tutors. Graders correct and grade homework assignments in the larger courses. A student is eligible to grade any course he/she has passed with a grade of B or better, but the positions are competitive. Applications should be submitted to the Graduate Program Office (2082 East Hall) during the first few days of classes each term. Undergraduate graders are currently paid ~$15 per hour, $19.25 for courses 500 level plus.

Undergraduates wanting tutor/proctor positions in the Mathematics Learning Center (MLC) and/or the Computerized Gateway Testing Lab should contact the MLC Director. Applications are then submitted online. Tutors provide help in courses through Math 217 and are paid ~$15 per hour.

Apply Here