- Keeler Lectures (Historical Information)
- Marjorie Lee Browne Colloquium - MLK Day
- Rainich Lectures
- Van Eenam Lectures
- Ziwet Lectures
- Seminars & Colloquia
- All
- Algebraic Geometry
- Algebraic Geometry Learning
- Algebraic Geometry Reading
- Applied & Interdisciplinary Mathematics (AIM)
- Colloquium Series
- Combinatorics
- Commutative Algebra
- Complex Analysis, Dynamics and Geometry
- Differential Equations
- Dissertation Defense
- Financial/Actuarial Mathematics
- Geometry
- Group, Lie and Number Theory
- Inquiry Based Learning (IBL)
- Integrable Systems and Random Matrix Theory
- Learning Community on Inclusive Teaching in Mathematics
- Learning Seminar in Algebraic Combinatorics
- Logic
- Math Undergraduate Seminar
- Mathematics Pedagogy Course/Seminar
- Michigan Center for Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics (MCAIM)
- Preprint Algebraic Geometry
- Probability
- Representation Stability Seminar
- RTG Seminar on Geometry, Dynamics and Topology
- RTG Seminar on Number Theory
- Special Events
- Student AIM Seminar
- Student Algebraic Geometry
- Student Analysis
- Student Machine Learning Seminar and Reading Group
- Student Number Theory
- Student Number Theory Reading Group
- Student Combinatorics
- Student Commutative Algebra
- Student Dynamics/Geometry/Topology
- Student Logic and History of Math Seminar
- Topology
During the 2024-2025 academic year, the Student Combinatorics Seminar will run Mondays, from 4-5pm. EH 3866. This page is maintained by Joao Pedro Carvalho and Mia Smith. If you would like to give a talk or suggest a topic, please email [email protected] and [email protected]. This seminar is intended for students unless otherwise stated in the weekly abstract. (Note talks are generally not listed until the weekend before they occur.)
See full semester of Student Combinatorics Seminars here.
- Keeler Lectures (Historical Information)
- Marjorie Lee Browne Colloquium - MLK Day
- Rainich Lectures
- Van Eenam Lectures
- Ziwet Lectures
- Seminars & Colloquia
- All
- Algebraic Geometry
- Algebraic Geometry Learning
- Algebraic Geometry Reading
- Applied & Interdisciplinary Mathematics (AIM)
- Colloquium Series
- Combinatorics
- Commutative Algebra
- Complex Analysis, Dynamics and Geometry
- Differential Equations
- Dissertation Defense
- Financial/Actuarial Mathematics
- Geometry
- Group, Lie and Number Theory
- Inquiry Based Learning (IBL)
- Integrable Systems and Random Matrix Theory
- Learning Community on Inclusive Teaching in Mathematics
- Learning Seminar in Algebraic Combinatorics
- Logic
- Math Undergraduate Seminar
- Mathematics Pedagogy Course/Seminar
- Michigan Center for Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics (MCAIM)
- Preprint Algebraic Geometry
- Probability
- Representation Stability Seminar
- RTG Seminar on Geometry, Dynamics and Topology
- RTG Seminar on Number Theory
- Special Events
- Student AIM Seminar
- Student Algebraic Geometry
- Student Analysis
- Student Machine Learning Seminar and Reading Group
- Student Number Theory
- Student Number Theory Reading Group
- Student Combinatorics
- Student Commutative Algebra
- Student Dynamics/Geometry/Topology
- Student Logic and History of Math Seminar
- Topology