I study questions with an algebraic flavor in various areas of math, including algebra, number theory, algebraic geometry, combinatorics, coding theory, complex analysis, and topology. For more information please see my homepage

In response to a question I've received: yes, I realize that the blue box saying M|LSA is where pictures are intended to go, and that the above picture is exactly the right shape for that box. The reason I didn't put my picture there is that the designers of our new website decided that any picture put in that box would also be used on other pages, but in picture boxes of a completely different shape so that the picture will be cropped automatically. In practice this means that when I put the above picture in the picture box on this page, then other pages will contain a picture of me going just from my nose to the top of my forehead, which isn't desirable. I was surprised to learn that the designers of the new website are well aware of this issue, and have dismissed the possibilities of either using picture boxes of the same shape on different pages, or using different pictures for picture boxes of different shapes. But this is just one of many decisions about our new website which I don't understand.