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Combinatorics Seminar

Gröbner bases, symmetric matrices, and type C Kazhdan-Lusztig varieties
Friday, November 13, 2020
3:00-4:00 PM
Off Campus Location
I will discuss a class of combinatorially defined polynomial ideals which are generated by minors of a generic symmetric matrix. Each ideal in the class is a type C analog of a Kazhdan-Lusztig ideal of A. Woo and A. Yong; that is, it is the defining ideal of the intersection of a type C Schubert variety with a type C opposite Schubert cell, appropriately coordinatized.

The first part of the talk will focus on motivation and connections to both the Schubert variety literature and the commutative algebra literature. Then I will discuss Gröbner bases and related combinatorics of the above-mentioned class of ideals.

This is joint work with Laura Escobar, Alex Fink, and Alexander Woo.
Speaker(s): Jenna Rajchgot (McMaster University)
Building: Off Campus Location
Location: Virtual
Event Type: Workshop / Seminar
Tags: Mathematics
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Department of Mathematics, Combinatorics Seminar - Department of Mathematics