AIM Seminar: Ballistic transport for limit-periodic and partially periodic Schrödinger operators
Giorgio Young (University of Michigan)
Abstract: In this talk, we will provide a short introduction to quantum dynamics and introduce the notion of ballistic transport, a measure of wave packet spread. We will then present some results showing ballistic transport for one dimensional continuum Schrödinger operators with limit-periodic potentials, as well as "directional ballistic transport" for higher dimensional discrete and continuum Schrödinger operators with potentials supported, and periodic, on a strip. This talk contains joint work with Adam Black, David Damanik, and Tal Malinovitch.
Contact: Peter Miller
Contact: Peter Miller
Building: | East Hall |
Event Type: | Lecture / Discussion |
Tags: | Mathematics |
Source: | Happening @ Michigan from Applied Interdisciplinary Mathematics (AIM) Seminar - Department of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics |