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DE Seminar: Zero viscosity limit of 1D viscous conservation laws at the point of first shock formation

Sanchit Shaturvedi (Courant Institute, NYU)
Thursday, February 13, 2025
4:00-5:00 PM
4088 East Hall Map
Despite the small scales involved, the compressible Euler equations seem to be a good model even in the presence of shocks. Introducing viscosity is one way to resolve some of these small-scale effects. In this talk, we examine the vanishing viscosity limit near the formation of a generic shock in one spatial dimension for a class of viscous conservation laws which includes compressible Navier Stokes. We provide an asymptotic expansion in viscosity of the viscous solution via the help of matching approximate solutions constructed in regions where the viscosity is perturbative and where it is dominant. Furthermore, we recover the inviscid (singular) solution in the limit, and we uncover universal structure in the viscous correctors. This is joint work with John Anderson and Cole Graham.
Building: East Hall
Event Type: Workshop / Seminar
Tags: Applied Mathematics, Mathematics
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Differential Equations Seminar - Department of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics