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Pedagogy Seminar: Formative Feedback and Assessment

Nina White
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
5:00-6:15 PM
3816 School of Social Work Building Map
When planning and teaching a lesson, one critical step is taking stock of what students have actually learned. Formative assessment and feedback (as opposed to “summative assessment”) is regular, low-stakes opportunities for both the instructor and the students to measure current student understanding. We’ll spend some time discussing why this feedback process is so important as well as the many ways to get this information in the course of a normal class. We’ll discuss generic questions, as well as specific questions, using the concept of a derivative to ground our brainstorming.
Building: School of Social Work Building
Event Type: Workshop / Seminar
Tags: Diversity Equity And Inclusion, Education, Faculty, Graduate Students, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Postdoctoral Research Fellows, Teaching, Workshop
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Learning Community on Inclusive Teaching in Mathematics - Department of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics