Entertainment & Social
M Happenings
Looking for something to do at the University of Michigan? Check out all the cool happenings at U-M!
International Center
Want to connect with other international students? Check out the upcoming events at the International Center!
Visit Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor is a lively, diverse, and active city. Take some time to enjoy all that Ann Arbor has to offer!
Visit Detroit
Detroit is a hub of art, culture, science, and sports. Check out all of the amazing sites and events!
Health & Wellness
Counseling and Psychological Services is freely available for students who feel they may need some assistance. CAPS is dedicated to providing students with access to care and the opportunity to receive high quality services, with the goal of taking positive pathways to mental health.
Intramural Sports
Want to join a basketball, volleyball, bocce, tennis, soccer, softball, spikeball, or ultimate frisbee team? Check out the intramural sports offerings at U-M!
MARI Psychological Clinic
The University Psychological Clinic provides psychoeducational evaluations and evidence-based psychotherapy to students and faculty at the University of Michigan as well as members of the local community and southeast Michigan.
Services for Students with Disabilities
The mission of the SSD is to provide accommodations and access to students with disabilities. Throughout its history, SSD has played a prominent role in advocating for students with disability issues at the state, national and international levels.
Wolverine Wellness
The University of Michigan Health Service is devoted to supporting students' physical, emotional, mental, environmental, financial, occupational, social, intellectual, and spiritual health. Check out the important services they offer students!
Fellowships & Funding
Fellowship opportunities
- AMS Fellowships
- AAU American Fellowships Dissertation Fellowship
- DoD National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Program
- DOE Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
- Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowships
- Microsoft PhD Fellowship Program
- National Physical Science Consortium Fellowships
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
- National Science Foundation East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes
- Pathways to Science Fellowships
- Rackham Women's Awards
- SIAM Science Policy Fellowship Program
- University of Michigan Sponsored Programs Information Network (Fellowship Database)
Library & Computing
Mathematics Library
An important resource for all faculty and graduate students is the Mathematics Library within the Shapiro Undergraduate Library. With a collection of 25,000 monographs and 750 regular journal subscriptions, it is one of the leading collections in the United States. Its open stacks and reading room are in the central Science Library at 3175 Shapiro and are available 130 hours per week. There is a long list of online journals and other resources. Math-SciNet is available for free use from any terminal connected to the central computing system.
Information and Technology Services
Computing facilities and recources are of extreme importance for mathematicians. At the University of Michigan, there is a strong commitment to keeping abreast of the latest developments. Computers are widely available for students in the Department. They are connected to central printers, and there are also copiers/scanners available in the administrative areas. Other computing resources, including freely available software, access to poster printing, and general IT help is available through LSA-IT.
Center for Advanced Computing
The mathematics department has recently acquired a 228-processor computing cluster through an NSF SCREMS grant. It allows top priority access for projects in the department, and is part of the University's much larger Center for Advanced Computing, where systems with thousands of processors are maintained for use by the university research community.
Educational Activities & Seminars
Math Seminars
The mathematical vitality of the Department may be measured, in part, by the number of educational activities that take place outside the traditional classroom. Most research areas organize one or more seminars that meet once or twice each week. The Colloquium meets each week for a talk aimed at a general mathematical audience, usually by a visitor from another university. Often, additional special lectures are scheduled as a forum for other short-term visitors. All of these are announced in a weekly bulletin posted on the department website.
Oral Defense Schedule
Attending a dissertation defense not only can be helpful to prepare for your own defense, but can be educational as well. Rackham maintains a schedule of defense dates for all of the graduate students.
Rackham Programs and Events
The Rackham Graduate School offers a wide range of programs, discussions, and workshops for students. Sample topics include: program perspectives, career paths, and how to write a dissertation.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
The SIAM student chapter at the University of Michigan was set up in the Fall of 2009. Our missions include:
- Promoting professional interactions between applied mathematicians both at the University of Michigan and within the Industry.
- Enhancing interest in topics pertaining to Applied Mathematics.
- Supplying professional opportunities for the Applied Mathematic community at the University of Michigan.
- Providing a forum for the exchange of information and ideas between mathematicians and other technical and scientific personnel.
Student AIM Seminar
The Mathematics Department hosts seminars for Applied and Interdisciplinary Mathematics students. Check out the schedule here!
English Language Institute
The English Language Institute at the University of Michigan offers academic writing courses for graduate students.
- ELI 521 Writing for Acadmic Purposes I
- ELI 522 Research Paper Writing
- ELI 620 Dissertation Writing and Writing for Publication I
- ELI 621 Dissertation Writing and Writing for Publication II
Sweetland Center for Writing
Sweetland offers face-to-face writing help for graduate students in Writing Workshop. This service allows you to meet one-to-one with an experienced faculty consultant at any stage of writing, from getting started to final revisions. You can get help with understanding assignments, generating ideas, developing arguments, organizing and structuring, using evidence and sources, and clarifying your expression. To get a sense of what to expect, please read our policies before attending your first Writing Workshop session.
Summer Programs
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications
Programs through the IMA (Institute for Mathematics and its Applications), based in Minneapolis at the University of Minnesota. Michigan is a "particpating institution" in the IMA which means that most activities are highly subsidized for our graduate students. Here is a complete list of the summer programs at IMA.
Argonne National Laboratory
The Argonne National Laboratory hosts many conferences, workshops, and meetings for interested mathematics students.
Los Alamos National Laboratory
The Los Alamos National Laboratory hosts a Computatoins Physics Student Summer Workshop that may interest AIM students.
Mathematical Biosciences Institute
Each summer, the MBI offers a three-week educational summer program for graduate students.
Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics
IPAM hosts summer programs at the University of California, Los Angeles.
The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
The Fields Institute hosts summer programs newar the campus of the University of Toronto.
Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute
SAMSI hosts educational and outreach workshops in the Reasearch Triangle area of North Carolina.
Summer Internships in Parallel Computational Science
The National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado hosts the Summer Internships in Parallel Computational Science program.
The Santa Fe Institute
The Santa Fe Institute specializes in research in complex systems and is located in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Fellowship Program
The Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Fellowship Program at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution runs each summer on various topics connected with nonlinear dynamics of rotating, stratified fluids.
The Center for Nonlinear Analysis
The Center for Nonlinear Analysis at Carnegie Mellon University often hosts a summer school.
The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
MSRI offers
The Park City Mathematics Institute
The Institute for Advanced Study hosts summer programs at the Park City Mathematics Institute in the ski resort town of Park City, Utah.
The Clay Mathematics Institute
The Clay Mathematics Institute also offers regular summer programs in various locations
Professional Development and Careers
University Professional Development Resources
- Rackham DEO Professional Development Certificate
- Rackham Professional Development Leader Program
- Rackham Professional Develepment Workshops
- University of Michigan Career Center
American Mathematical Society Resources
- AMS Grad Student Chapters
- AMS Grad Student Travel and Conference Grants
- AMS Headlines and Deadlines for Grads
- AMS Grad Student Blog
- AMS How to give a good Colloquium
- AMS Advice on jobs and employment
- Google Internships
- Microsoft Internships
- D.E. Shaw Internships
- Jane Street Internships
- Deloitte Internships
- McKinsey Internships
- Goldman Sachs Internships
- Chicago Trading Company Internships
Campus Jobs
- Tutor List (Contact [email protected] if you would like to be listed)
University Resources
Office of the Registrar
The Office of the Registrar can help you order electronic transcripts, explain tuition and fees, order a diploma, etc.