Submitted Abstracts
Pavel Bleher Exact solution of the dimer model on the triangular lattice **Slides
Robert Buckingham Asymptotic analysis of a deformed Tracy-Widom distribution
Rodica Costin Tronquees solutions of Painlevé equations **Slides
Alfredo Deano Special function solutions of Painlevé equations **Slides
Percy Deift On a conjecture of Alphonse Magnus regarding the asymptotics of the recurrence coefficients for polynomials orthogonal with respect to a log weight **Slides
Anton Dzhamay Geometry of discrete Painlevé equations and applications **Slides
Marco Fasondini Computational methods for the multivalued Painlevé transcendents and their application to the exploration of families of tronquée solutions to the third Painlevé equation **Slides
Manuela Girotti Integrable gap probabilities for the generalized Bessel process **Slides
Davide Guzzetti Isomonodromy deformations at an irregular singularity with coalescing eigenvalues **Slides
Alexander Its Memorial Presentation Slides
On the Tracy-Widom beta - distribution for beta=6 **Slides
Kenji Kajiwara Geometric description of discrete power function associated with the sixth Painlevé equation **Slides
Alisa Knizel Gap probabilities in tiling models and Painlevé equations **Slides
Christian Klein Numerical approaches for Painlevé equations **Slides
Arno Kuijlaars Tiling problems and matrix valued orthogonal polynomials
Karl Liechty Nonintersecting Brownian motions on the unit circle **Slides
Oleg Lisovyi Painlevé functions, Fredholm determinants and combinatorics
Craig Tracy Blocks in the asymmetric simple exclusion process **Slides
Walter Van Assche Painlevé equations and orthogonal polynomials **Slides
Dong Wang One dimensional free fermions at finite temperature and the MNS matrix model **Slides
Nicholas Witte The density matrix for the ground state of 1-d impenetrable bosons in a harmonic trap **Slides
Lun Zhang Location of poles for the Hastings-McLeod solution to the second Painlevé equation **Slides