- College: Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA)
- Major or Academic Interest: Philosophy and Law
- Minor: LGBTQ Studies
- Hometown: Taylor, Michigan
Why did you want to become an SA? I wanted to become a Student Assistant because LSWA was my only source of community and connection to the university. Living at home and attending literally everything virtually, even my small, discussion classes with professors I liked and subjects I was interested in had a tendency of feeling more like YouTube videos as opposed to a community I was engaging with. That is of course with the exception of Poetry Club, where I could joke around and share art with some of the coolest people I have ever met. I do also want to make notable exceptions for my LSWA classes, which were also wonderful and never felt like youtube videos. That sounds a little sarcastic, but even my classes in LSWA felt less like another class to study for and more like a block in my schedule to create and engage with my creative passions. I became an SA both because I want that for myself for another year and because I want to share that experience with the next wave of Lloyd Scholars.
What hopes do you have for the upcoming year? I feel like last year I was continuously astounded by the level of talent in my fellow LSWA members. Being in that community with such talent and shared passion inspired me so much and allowed me so much growth as an artist. When I think about my hopes for the upcoming year I admit that my first, second, and third ideas are all ways I don’t want to repeat elements of last year, but I’d rather focus on this, the opportunity to engage with even more art and artists and the hope that I can continue that growth.
Is there anything you'd like to say to future LSWA students? The people here are legitimately so wonderful and supportive. I’m not sure what the plans for the upcoming year are, but last year Carol held weekly “Coffee with Carol” virtual meetings and although the “Friday at 10 a.m.” part made me miss it often, whenever I did go I was glad I did. Some highlights I remember are “funny stories from high school”, multiple students roasting their (usually STEM) classes, and of course sharing our ongoing art projects. I would definitely advise everyone to show up to at least one meeting like that and get to know Carol, she's really cool. (not sponsored)