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Rob Drummond Creative Writing Workshop

Wednesday, November 11, 2015
5:00 AM
Alice Lloyd, Vickie Barner Lounge

Rob will investigate with the group how stories are told and structured and guide the participants in the writing of their own short dramatic scenes.

By breaking down and examining how creative writing works in practice Rob aims to investigate how the ‘scene’ of delivering bad news should be structured to give the least dramatic and most dramatic outcomes.

Starting with a ‘text-book’ example of how a doctor should deliver bad news, Rob and his participants will suggest ways in which the scene could be made more dramatic for the stage - no-one pays to see things going right!


What happens when you do or say something wrong? If drama is the absence of incident could the outcome they are looking for in their practice be considered the absence of drama?


By investigating what decisions writers make to create the most horrific, surprising, suspenseful, comedic and dramatic scenes they can think of, we can also work out how to avoid such scenes in reality.