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Lodging & Logistics


We will have conference blocks at the designated hotels below. Hotel rooms will be available Wednesday-Saturday. Please use the conference codes for each to receive the discount: 

Rooms are also available at the Graduate Ann Arbor by Hilton.

  • If flying into the Detroit Metro Airport (DTW), The Michigan Flyer will pick you up from the DTW and transport you to Ann Arbor. The Michigan Flyer will drop you off 328 S. Fifth Ave in Ann Arbor. This is a 10 minute walk from the Residence Inn Ann Arbor Downtown and a 10 minute walk to the Graduate Hotel. Please click the link here, click Schedules, and follow the Detroit Metro Airport < Ann Arbor < Brighton < East Lansing schedule. 

  • If flying into DTW, there are plenty of rental car options available. Please click here for more information. 

  • Ride share services including Lyft and Uber are available upon arrival at DTW.