Microaggressions are verbal, behavioral, or environmental slights. They can be overt, subtle or unintentional, have become a huge area of concern. Whether one believes this phenomenon is real, perceived, or a made up term for invalid experiences, you all will benefit from this session.
In this session, participants will:
- Learn about "microaggressions" and other concepts relevant to this topicObtain an understanding of the social and psychological impacts of microaggressions
- Engage in activities and dialogue to unveil microaggressions within the workplaceValidate experiences with microaggressions
- Identify and discuss techniques to combat microaggressions, as a bystander or as a recipient
This session is open to all LSA Staff. It is recommended that participants complete a course on Implicit Bias before taking this session. Graduate and undergraduate student staff should contact Britney Underwood at britneyu@umich.edu to enroll.
Length: 2 hours
To register for a regularly scheduled session open to LSA staff please visit the DEI Events section of the DEI Tile in the LSA Gateway.
To request a private or customized session please email LSA-DEI-Office@umich.edu.