Effective Winter 2023
PitE staff and faculty advisors will help students navigate the “Water and the Environment Minor".
The minor consists of no fewer than 6 classes for a total of at least 18 credits.
- Introductory Course: The Water Cycle, an Interdisciplinary Approach
- Second Water-Centered Course. Select one from the list below.
- Three Topics Courses. Select three courses from the list below. Two courses must be 300 level or above. Students will be required to take at least two courses from different sub-topics listed below.
- Practical Experience. Student choose a practical experience synthesizing approaches and knowledge bases relevant to the issue. The practical experience can take the form of an independent study course, internship, field-oriented course or study abroad course. Students either work with a faculty advisor to complete an independent study course or internship, or they will consult with a PitE Advisor or faculty to choose a field-oriented course or study abroad experience synthesizing approaches and knowledge bases relevant to the student’s interest in water.
Second Water-Centered Course. (Select one from the following list):
- AOSS 171 / ENVIRON 110 / BIOLOGY 110 / EARTH 171 / ENSCEN 171 / RCNSCI 110: Introduction to Global Change: The Science Behind Sustainability
- AOSS 172 / ENVIRON 111 / EARTH 172 / ENSCEN 172 / GEOG 111: Global Change: The Sustainability Challenge
- BIOLOGY 109: Ecological Knowledge and Environmental Problem Solving
- BIOLOGY 110 / AOSS 171 / ENVIRON 110 / EARTH 171 / ENSCEN 171 / RCNSCI 110: Introduction to Global Change: The Science Behind Sustainability
- EARTH 110: Evolving Oceans
- EARTH 171 / AOSS 171 / ENVIRON 110 / BIOLOGY 110 / ENSCEN 171 / RCNSCI 110: Introduction to Global Change: The Science Behind Sustainability
- EARTH 172 / AOSS 172 / ENVIRON 111 / ENSCEN 172 / GEOG 111: Global Change: The Sustainability Challenge
- EARTH 206 / ENVIRON 206: How the Earth Works: The Water Cycle and Environment
- EARTH 222 / ENVIRON 232: Introductory Oceanography
- EARTH 277: Water in the 21st Century
- ENSCEN 171 / AOSS 171 / ENVIRON 110 / BIOLOGY 110 / EARTH 171 / RCNSCI 110: Introduction to Global Change: The Science Behind Sustainability
- ENSCEN 172 / AOSS 172 / ENVIRON 111 / EARTH 172 / GEOG 111: Global Change: The Sustainability Challenge
- ENVIRON 110 / AOSS 171 / BIOLOGY 110 / EARTH 171 / ENSCEN 171 / RCNSCI 110: Introduction to Global Change: The Science Behind Sustainability
- ENVIRON 111 / AOSS 172 / EARTH 172 / ENSCEN 172 / GEOG 111: Global Change: The Sustainability Challenge
- ENVIRON 206 / EARTH 206: How the Earth Works: The Water Cycle and Environment
- ENVIRON 232 / EARTH 222: Introductory Oceanography
- GEOG 111 / AOSS 172 / ENVIRON 111 / EARTH 172 / ENSCEN 172: Global Change: The Sustainability Challenge
- HISTORY 240: The World Since 1492, section titled "Oceans in World History"
- RCNSCI 110 / AOSS 171 / ENVIRON 110 / BIOLOGY 110 / EARTH 171 / ENSCEN 171: Introduction to Global Change: The Science Behind Sustainability
Three Topics Courses. (Select three courses from the list below. Two courses must be 300 level or above. Students will be required to take at least two courses from different sub-topics listed below.):
- AMCULT 301: Topics in American Culture, section titled "Green Indigeneity"
- ARCH/ENVIRON/URP 357: Architecture, Sustainability and the City: Ideas, Forces and People Shaping the Built Environment
- ASIAN 371: Natural Disasters in East Asia
- CEE 307 / ENVIRON 407: Sustainable Cities
- CLCIV 277 / ENVIRON 277 / HISTORY 277: Environmental History of the Ancient Mediterranean
- ENGLISH 317: Literature and Culture, sections titled "Green Indigeneities" and "Growing Up Near the Great Lakes"
- ENGLISH 320: Literature and the Environment, sections titled "Ecocriticism" and "Southern Natures: Race and Environment in the U.S. South"
- ENGLISH 398: Junior Seminar in English Studies, sections titled "American Literature and the Sea" and "Moby Dick: Allusion and Intertextuality"
- ENVIRON 277 / CLCIV 277 / HISTORY 277: Environmental History of the Ancient Mediterranean
- ENVIRON 304: Topics in Culture and Environment, sections titled "Growing Up Near the Great Lakes" and "Ecocriticism"
- ENVIRON 324: Introduction to Water Law and Policy
- ENVIRON 336: Environment and Inequality
- ENVIRON 407 / CEE 307: Sustainable Cities
- ENVIRON 410: American Environmentalism and the Frontier West
- HISTORY 240: The World Since 1492, section titled "Oceans in World History"
- HISTORY 277 / CLCIV 277 / ENVIRON 277: Environmental History of the Ancient Mediterranean
- PUBHLTH 360: Community, Culture, and Social Justice (CCSJ) in Public Health
- RCHUMS 334: Special Topics in the Humanities, section titled "Growing Up Near the Great Lakes"
- WRITING 410: Quantitative Analysis and Writing in the Disciplines, section titled "Demystifying Water Data"
Economics, Policy & Planning
- ARCH 357 / UP 357: Architecture, Sustainability and the City: Ideas, Forces and People Shaping the Built Environment
- ECON 370 / ENVIRON 375: Environmental and Resource Economics
- EHS 588 / ENVIRON 475 / NRE 475: Environmental Law
- ENVIRON 208 / ORGSTUDY 208: Business and the Natural Environment
- ENVIRON 235: Economics of Natural Resources and Environment
- ENVIRON 306: Global Water
- ENVIRON 312: Environmental Politics and Policy
- ENVIRON 365: International Environmental Policy
- ENVIRON 375 / ECON 370: Environmental and Resource Economics
- ENVIRON 395: Natural Resource Law
- ENVIRON 407/CEE 307: Sustainable Cities
- ENVIRON 408: Land Use Policy, Law, and the Environment
- ENVIRON 412 / PUBPOL 412: Environmental Values in Public Policy
- ENVIRON 475 / EHS 588 / NRE 475: Environmental Law
- NRE 475 / ENVIRON 475 / EHS 588: Environmental Law
- ORGSTUDY 208 / ENVIRON 208: Business and the Natural Environment
- PUBPOL 412 / ENVIRON 412: Environmental Values in Public Policy
- UP 357 / ARCH 357: Architecture, Sustainability and the City: Ideas, Forces and People Shaping the Built Environment
Natural Sciences & Resource Management
- AOSS 350 / EARTH 350: Atmospheric Thermodynamics
- AOSS 411 / EARTH 411: Cloud and Precipitation Processes
- AOSS 420 / NAVARCH 420 / ENSCEN 420: Environmental Ocean Dynamics
- AOSS 467 / CHEM 467 / EARTH 465 / ENSCEN 467 / ENVIRON 467: Biogeochemical Cycles
- AOSS 474 / EARTH 474: Ice Sheets, Glaciers and Climate Change
- ASIAN/RCSSCI 371: Natural Disasters in East Asia
- CEE 590: Stream, Lake, and Estuary Analysis
- CHEM 467 / AOSS 467 / EARTH 465 / ENSCEN 467 / ENVIRON 467: Biogeochemical Cycles
- ENVIRON 426 / CLIMATE 421 / EARTH 421: Introduction of Physical Oceanography
- EARTH 206: How the Earth Works: The Water Cycle and Environment
- EARTH 222 / ENVIRON 232: Introductory Oceanography
- EARTH 223 / ENVIRON 233: Introductory Oceanography, Laboratory
- EARTH 333 / ENVIRON 333: The Inexhaustible Seas? Marine Resources and Environmental Issues
- EARTH 350 / AOSS 350: Atmospheric Thermodynamics
- EARTH 408: Introduction to GIS in the Earth Sciences
- EARTH 411 / AOSS 411: Cloud and Precipitation Processes
- EARTH 417: Geology of the Great Lakes
- EARTH 421 / CLIMATE 421 / ENVIRON 426: Introduction of Physical Oceanography
- EARTH 449: Marine Geology
- EARTH 452: Paleoceanography
- EARTH 465 / AOSS 467 / CHEM 467 / ENSCEN 467 / ENVIRON 467: Biogeochemical Cycles
- EARTH 474 / AOSS 474: Ice Sheets, Glaciers and Climate Change
- EARTH 477/ENVIRON 479: Hydrogeology
- EARTH 478: Geochemistry of Natural Waters
- EAS 531/ENVIRON 411: Principles of GIS
- EAS 541/ENVIRON 441: Remote Sensing
- EEB 320 / ENVIRON 311: Rivers, Lakes, and Wetlands: Introduction to Aquatic Ecosystems
- EEB 380: Oceanography: Marine Ecology
- EEB 440 / ENVIRON 422 / NRE 422: Biology of Fishes
- EEB 450: Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles
- EEB 455: Ethnobotany
- EEB 457: Algae in Freshwater Ecosystems
- EEB 476 / ENVIRON 476 / NRE 476: Ecosystem Ecology
- EEB 483: Freshwater Ecosystems: Limnology
- EEB 486: Biology and Ecology of Fish
- EEB 487 / ENVIRON 409 / NRE 409: Ecology of Fishes
- EEB 489 / ENVIRON 430 / NRE 430: Soil Ecology
- EHS 570: Water Quality Management
- ENSCEN 420 / AOSS 420 / NAVARCH 420: Environmental Ocean Dynamics
- ENSCEN 467 / AOSS 467 / CHEM 467 / EARTH 465 / ENVIRON 467: Biogeochemical Cycles
- ENVIRON 201 / RCNSCI 202: Ecological Issues
- ENVIRON 232 / EARTH 222: Introductory Oceanography
- ENVIRON 233 / EARTH 223: Introductory Oceanography, Laboratory
- ENVIRON 311 / EEB 320: Rivers, Lakes, and Wetlands: Introduction to Aquatic Ecosystems
- ENVIRON 333 / EARTH 333: The Inexhaustible Seas? Marine Resources and Environmental Issues
- ENVIRON 409 / NRE 409 / EEB 487: Ecology of Fishes
- ENVIRON 421: Restoration Ecology
- ENVIRON 422 / NRE 422 / EEB 440: Biology of Fishes
- ENVIRON 424: Stream Restoration
- ENVIRON 426 / CLIMATE 421 / EARTH 421: Introduction of Physical Oceanography
- ENVIRON 430 / NRE 430 / EEB 489: Soil Ecology
- ENVIRON 463: Topics in Environmental Natural Science, section titled "Stream Restoration"
- ENVIRON 467 / AOSS 467 / CHEM 467 / EARTH 465 / ENSCEN 467: Biogeochemical Cycles
- ENVIRON 476 / EEB 476 / NRE 476: Ecosystem Ecology
- NAVARCH 420 / AOSS 420 / ENSCEN 420: Environmental Ocean Dynamics
- NRE 409 / ENVIRON 409 / EEB 487: Ecology of Fishes
- NRE 422 / ENVIRON 422 / EEB 440: Biology of Fishes
- NRE 430 / ENVIRON 430 / EEB 489: Soil Ecology
- NRE 476 / ENVIRON 476 / EEB 476: Ecosystem Ecology
- PHYSICS 210: Energy for our Future
- RCNSCI 202 / ENVIRON 201 / RCNSCI 202: Ecological Issues
Public Health
- AAS 409 / ANTHRCUL 408: Maternal/Child Health and Environmental Pollution in Africa
- AAS 458: Issues in Black World Studies, section titled “Business and Politics in Developing Countries”
- ANTHRCUL 408 / AAS 409: Maternal/Child Health and Environmental Pollution in Africa
- EHS 570: Water Quality Management
- ENVIRON 201/RCNSCI 202: Ecological Issues
- ENVIRON 310: Toxicology: The Study of Environmental Chemicals and Disease
- ENVIRON 320: Environmental Journalism: Reporting About Science, Policy, and Public Health
- PUBHLTH 200: Health and Society
- PUBHLTH 305: The Environment and Human Health
- PUBHLTH 350: Global Public Health: Challenges and Transformation
- ARCH/ENVIRON/URP 357: Architecture, Sustainability and the City: Ideas, Forces and People Shaping the Built Environment
- ARTDES 250: Art, Design, and the Environment
- CEE 265: Sustainable Engineering Principles
- CEE 307 / ENVIRON 407: Sustainable Cities
- CEE 365: Environmental Engineering Principles
- CEE 480: Design of Environmental Engineering Systems
- CEE 481: Aquatic Chemistry
- EARTH 408: Introduction to GIS in the Earth Sciences
- EARTH 477 / ENVIRON 479: Hydrogeology
- ENVIRON 321: Climate Change and Adaptation
- ENVIRON 407 / CEE 307: Sustainable Cities
- ENVIRON 411: Principles of Geographic Information Systems
- ENVIRON 424: Stream Restoration
- ENVIRON 426: Introduction of Physical Oceanography
- ENVIRON 441: Remote Sensing
- ENVIRON 479 / EARTH 477: Hydrogeology
- UP 425: Urban Systems
Water and the Environment (Minor) (Fall 2016 - Fall 2022)
Effective Fall 2016
PitE staff and faculty advisors will help students navigate the “Water and the Environment Minor".
The minor consists of no fewer than 6 classes for a total of at least 18 credits.
- Introductory Course: The Water Cycle, an Interdisciplinary Approach
- Second Water-Centered Course. Select one from the list below.
- Three Topics Courses. Select three courses from the list below. Two courses must be 300 level or above. Students will be required to take at least two courses from different sub-topics listed below.
- Practical Experience. Student choose a practical experience synthesizing approaches and knowledge bases relevant to the issue. The practical experience can take the form of an independent study course, internship, field-oriented course or study abroad course. Students either work with a faculty advisor to complete an independent study course or internship, or they will consult with a PitE Advisor or faculty to choose a field-oriented course or study abroad experience synthesizing approaches and knowledge bases relevant to the student’s interest in water.
Second Water-Centered Course. (Select one from the following list):
- AOSS 171 / ENVIRON 110 / BIOLOGY 110 / EARTH 171 / ENSCEN 171 / RCNSCI 110: Introduction to Global Change: The Science Behind Sustainability
- AOSS 172 / ENVIRON 111 / EARTH 172 / ENSCEN 172 / GEOG 111: Global Change: The Sustainability Challenge
- BIOLOGY 109: Ecological Knowledge and Environmental Problem Solving
- BIOLOGY 110 / AOSS 171 / ENVIRON 110 / EARTH 171 / ENSCEN 171 / RCNSCI 110: Introduction to Global Change: The Science Behind Sustainability
- EARTH 110: Evolving Oceans
- EARTH 171 / AOSS 171 / ENVIRON 110 / BIOLOGY 110 / ENSCEN 171 / RCNSCI 110: Introduction to Global Change: The Science Behind Sustainability
- EARTH 172 / AOSS 172 / ENVIRON 111 / ENSCEN 172 / GEOG 111: Global Change: The Sustainability Challenge
- EARTH 206 / ENVIRON 206: How the Earth Works: The Water Cycle and Environment
- EARTH 222 / ENVIRON 232: Introductory Oceanography
- EARTH 277: Water in the 21st Century
- ENSCEN 171 / AOSS 171 / ENVIRON 110 / BIOLOGY 110 / EARTH 171 / RCNSCI 110: Introduction to Global Change: The Science Behind Sustainability
- ENSCEN 172 / AOSS 172 / ENVIRON 111 / EARTH 172 / GEOG 111: Global Change: The Sustainability Challenge
- ENVIRON 110 / AOSS 171 / BIOLOGY 110 / EARTH 171 / ENSCEN 171 / RCNSCI 110: Introduction to Global Change: The Science Behind Sustainability
- ENVIRON 111 / AOSS 172 / EARTH 172 / ENSCEN 172 / GEOG 111: Global Change: The Sustainability Challenge
- ENVIRON 206 / EARTH 206: How the Earth Works: The Water Cycle and Environment
- ENVIRON 232 / EARTH 222: Introductory Oceanography
- GEOG 111 / AOSS 172 / ENVIRON 111 / EARTH 172 / ENSCEN 172: Global Change: The Sustainability Challenge
- HISTORY 240: The World Since 1492, section titled "Oceans in World History"
- RCNSCI 110 / AOSS 171 / ENVIRON 110 / BIOLOGY 110 / EARTH 171 / ENSCEN 171: Introduction to Global Change: The Science Behind Sustainability
Three Topics Courses. (Select three courses from the list below. Two courses must be 300 level or above. Students will be required to take at least two courses from different sub-topics listed below.):
- AMCULT 301: Topics in American Culture, section titled "Green Indigeneity"
- ASIAN 371: Natural Disasters in East Asia
- CEE 307 / ENVIRON 407: Sustainable Cities
- CLCIV 277 / ENVIRON 277 / HISTORY 277: Environmental History of the Ancient Mediterranean
- ENGLISH 317: Literature and Culture, sections titled "Green Indigeneities" and "Growing Up Near the Great Lakes"
- ENGLISH 320: Literature and the Environment, sections titled "Ecocriticism" and "Southern Natures: Race and Environment in the U.S. South"
- ENGLISH 398: Junior Seminar in English Studies, sections titled "American Literature and the Sea" and "Moby Dick: Allusion and Intertextuality"
- ENVIRON 277 / CLCIV 277 / HISTORY 277: Environmental History of the Ancient Mediterranean
- ENVIRON 304: Topics in Culture and Environment, sections titled "Growing Up Near the Great Lakes" and "Ecocriticism"
- ENVIRON 324: Introduction to Water Law and Policy
- ENVIRON 407 / CEE 307: Sustainable Cities
- ENVIRON 410: American Environmentalism and the Frontier West
- HISTORY 240: The World Since 1492, section titled "Oceans in World History"
- HISTORY 277 / CLCIV 277 / ENVIRON 277: Environmental History of the Ancient Mediterranean
- RCHUMS 334: Special Topics in the Humanities, section titled "Growing Up Near the Great Lakes"
- WRITING 410: Quantitative Analysis and Writing in the Disciplines, section titled "Demystifying Water Data"
Economics, Policy & Planning
- ARCH 357 / UP 357: Architecture, Sustainability and the City: Ideas, Forces and People Shaping the Built Environment
- ECON 370 / ENVIRON 375: Environmental and Resource Economics
- EHS 588 / ENVIRON 475 / NRE 475: Environmental Law
- ENVIRON 208 / ORGSTUDY 208: Business and the Natural Environment
- ENVIRON 235: Economics of Natural Resources and Environment
- ENVIRON 306: Global Water
- ENVIRON 365: International Environmental Policy
- ENVIRON 375 / ECON 370: Environmental and Resource Economics
- ENVIRON 408: Land Use Policy, Law, and the Environment
- ENVIRON 412 / PUBPOL 412: Environmental Values in Public Policy
- ENVIRON 475 / EHS 588 / NRE 475: Environmental Law
- NRE 475 / ENVIRON 475 / EHS 588: Environmental Law
- ORGSTUDY 208 / ENVIRON 208: Business and the Natural Environment
- PUBPOL 412 / ENVIRON 412: Environmental Values in Public Policy
- UP 357 / ARCH 357: Architecture, Sustainability and the City: Ideas, Forces and People Shaping the Built Environment
Natural Sciences & Resource Management
- AOSS 350 / EARTH 350: Atmospheric Thermodynamics
- AOSS 411 / EARTH 411: Cloud and Precipitation Processes
- AOSS 420 / NAVARCH 420 / ENSCEN 420: Environmental Ocean Dynamics
- AOSS 467 / CHEM 467 / EARTH 465 / ENSCEN 467 / ENVIRON 467: Biogeochemical Cycles
- AOSS 474 / EARTH 474: Ice Sheets, Glaciers and Climate Change
- CHEM 467 / AOSS 467 / EARTH 465 / ENSCEN 467 / ENVIRON 467: Biogeochemical Cycles
- ENVIRON 426 / CLIMATE 421 / EARTH 421: Introduction of Physical Oceanography
- EARTH 222 / ENVIRON 232: Introductory Oceanography
- EARTH 223 / ENVIRON 233: Introductory Oceanography, Laboratory
- EARTH 333 / ENVIRON 333: The Inexhaustible Seas? Marine Resources and Environmental Issues
- EARTH 350 / AOSS 350: Atmospheric Thermodynamics
- EARTH 411 / AOSS 411: Cloud and Precipitation Processes
- EARTH 417: Geology of the Great Lakes
- EARTH 421 / CLIMATE 421 / ENVIRON 426: Introduction of Physical Oceanography
- EARTH 449: Marine Geology
- EARTH 452: Paleoceanography
- EARTH 465 / AOSS 467 / CHEM 467 / ENSCEN 467 / ENVIRON 467: Biogeochemical Cycles
- EARTH 474 / AOSS 474: Ice Sheets, Glaciers and Climate Change
- EARTH 478: Geochemistry of Natural Waters
- EEB 320 / ENVIRON 311: Rivers, Lakes, and Wetlands: Introduction to Aquatic Ecosystems
- EEB 380: Oceanography: Marine Ecology
- EEB 440 / ENVIRON 422 / NRE 422: Biology of Fishes
- EEB 450: Biology of Amphibians and Reptiles
- EEB 455: Ethnobotany
- EEB 457: Algae in Freshwater Ecosystems
- EEB 476 / ENVIRON 476 / NRE 476: Ecosystem Ecology
- EEB 483: Freshwater Ecosystems: Limnology
- EEB 486: Biology and Ecology of Fish
- EEB 487 / ENVIRON 409 / NRE 409: Ecology of Fishes
- EEB 489 / ENVIRON 430 / NRE 430: Soil Ecology
- ENSCEN 420 / AOSS 420 / NAVARCH 420: Environmental Ocean Dynamics
- ENSCEN 467 / AOSS 467 / CHEM 467 / EARTH 465 / ENVIRON 467: Biogeochemical Cycles
- ENVIRON 201 / RCNSCI 202: Ecological Issues
- ENVIRON 232 / EARTH 222: Introductory Oceanography
- ENVIRON 233 / EARTH 223: Introductory Oceanography, Laboratory
- ENVIRON 311 / EEB 320: Rivers, Lakes, and Wetlands: Introduction to Aquatic Ecosystems
- ENVIRON 333 / EARTH 333: The Inexhaustible Seas? Marine Resources and Environmental Issues
- ENVIRON 409 / NRE 409 / EEB 487: Ecology of Fishes
- ENVIRON 421: Restoration Ecology
- ENVIRON 422 / NRE 422 / EEB 440: Biology of Fishes
- ENVIRON 426 / CLIMATE 421 / EARTH 421: Introduction of Physical Oceanography
- ENVIRON 430 / NRE 430 / EEB 489: Soil Ecology
- ENVIRON 463: Topics in Environmental Natural Science, section titled "Stream Restoration"
- ENVIRON 467 / AOSS 467 / CHEM 467 / EARTH 465 / ENSCEN 467: Biogeochemical Cycles
- ENVIRON 476 / EEB 476 / NRE 476: Ecosystem Ecology
- NAVARCH 420 / AOSS 420 / ENSCEN 420: Environmental Ocean Dynamics
- NRE 409 / ENVIRON 409 / EEB 487: Ecology of Fishes
- NRE 422 / ENVIRON 422 / EEB 440: Biology of Fishes
- NRE 430 / ENVIRON 430 / EEB 489: Soil Ecology
- NRE 476 / ENVIRON 476 / EEB 476: Ecosystem Ecology
- PHYSICS 210: Energy for our Future
- RCNSCI 202 / ENVIRON 201 / RCNSCI 202: Ecological Issues
Public Health
- AAS 409 / ANTHRCUL 408: Maternal/Child Health and Environmental Pollution in Africa
- AAS 458: Issues in Black World Studies, section titled “Business and Politics in Developing Countries”
- ANTHRCUL 408 / AAS 409: Maternal/Child Health and Environmental Pollution in Africa
- ENVIRON 310: Toxicology: The Study of Environmental Chemicals and Disease
- PUBHLTH 305: The Environment and Human Health
- PUBHLTH 350: Global Public Health: Challenges and Transformation
- ARTDES 250: Art, Design, and the Environment
- CEE 265: Sustainable Engineering Principles
- CEE 307 / ENVIRON 407: Sustainable Cities
- CEE 365: Environmental Engineering Principles
- CEE 480: Design of Environmental Engineering Systems
- CEE 481: Aquatic Chemistry
- EARTH 477 / ENVIRON 479: Hydrogeology
- ENVIRON 321: Climate Change and Adaptation
- ENVIRON 407 / CEE 307: Sustainable Cities
- ENVIRON 479 / EARTH 477: Hydrogeology
- UP 425: Urban Systems