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Polish Language, Literature, and Culture Minor

Effective Winter 2021


Academic minors in Slavic Languages and Literatures are not open to those electing a major or any other academic minor in the department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, nor those electing a concentration in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies.

Students could concurrently pursue this academic minor with one in REES with the following restrictions:

(1). REES academic minors may not count any course for which Slavic is the home unit.

(2). Slavic academic minors may not count REEES 397 or any course for which REES is the home unit, which includes SLAVIC 395 and 396.


Students wishing to pursue an academic minor in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures must develop a specific plan for its completion in consultation with the department's designated advisor, Dr. Piotr Westwalewicz.

Appointments are scheduled online at


POLISH 121, 122, and 221, or equivalent.


Minimum Credits: 16
  1. Polish language: POLISH 222, or equivalent
  2. Polish literature and culture: 6 credits in POLISH 214, 215, 314, 325, 326, 432, 450, SLAVIC 490*
  3. Electives:
    • 6 credits in SLAVIC 225, 240, 270, 312, 396, 423, 490 (appropriate sections*)
    • HISTORY 330, 331
    • Up to three credits of Third-Year Polish (POLISH 321 and 322) may be counted.

    See department for additional course options

    * (appropriate sections of SLAVIC 490 include “Rocks Kill Communism” and “Revolution in the Attic”)


At least 9 of the 16 required credits must be taken in residence or through a study abroad program affiliated with the University of Michigan.

Study Abroad credit may count toward the minor. Please consult with the Polish advisor prior to studying abroad.

Polish Language, Literature and Culture (Minor) (Fall 2017 - Fall 2020)

Effective Fall 2017


Academic minors in Slavic Languages and Literatures are not open to those electing a major or any other academic minor in the department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, nor those electing a concentration in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies.

Students could concurrently pursue this academic minor with one in REES with the following restrictions:

(1). REES academic minors may not count any course for which Slavic is the home unit.

(2). Slavic academic minors may not count REEES 397 or any course for which REES is the home unit, which includes SLAVIC 395 and 396.


Students wishing to pursue an academic minor in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures must develop a specific plan for its completion in consultation with the department's designated advisor, Dr. Piotr Westwalewicz.

Appointments are scheduled online at


POLISH 121, 122, and 221, or equivalent.


Minimum Credits: 16
  1. Polish language: POLISH 222, or equivalent
  2. Polish literature and culture: 6 credits in POLISH 214, 215, 314, 325, 326, 432, 450, SLAVIC 490*
  3. Electives:
    • 6 credits in SLAVIC 225, 240, 270, 312, 396, 423, 490 (appropriate sections*)
    • HISTORY 330, 331
    • Up to three credits of Third-Year Polish (POLISH 321 and 322) may be counted.

    See department for additional course options

    * (appropriate sections of SLAVIC 490 include “Rocks Kill Communism” and “Revolution in the Attic”)



At least 10 of the 16 required credits must be taken in residence or through a study abroad program affiliated with the University of Michigan.

Study Abroad credit may count toward the minor. Please consult with the Polish advisor prior to studying abroad.

Polish Language, Literature and Culture (Minor) (Winter 2013 - Summer 2017)

Effective Winter 2013


Academic minors in Slavic Languages and Literatures are not open to those electing a major or any other academic minor in the department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, nor those electing a concentration in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies.

Students could concurrently pursue this academic minor with one in REES with the following restrictions:

(1). REES academic minors may not count any course for which Slavic is the home unit.

(2). Slavic academic minors may not count REEES 397 or any course for which REES is the home unit, which includes SLAVIC 395 and 396.


Students wishing to pursue an academic minor in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures must develop a specific plan for its completion in consultation with the department's designated advisor, Dr. Piotr Westwalewicz.

Appointments are scheduled online at


POLISH 121, 122, and 221, or equivalent.


Minimum Credits: 16
  1. Polish language: POLISH 222, or equivalent
  2. Polish literature and culture: 6 credits in POLISH 214, 215, 314, 325, 326, 432, 450, SLAVIC 490*
  3. Electives:
    • 6 credits in SLAVIC 225, 240, 270, 312, 396, 423, 490 (appropriate sections*)
    • HISTORY 330, 331
    • Up to three credits of Third-Year Polish (POLISH 321 and 322) may be counted.

    See department for additional course options

    * (appropriate sections of SLAVIC 490 include “Rocks Kill Communism” and “Revolution in the Attic”)



At least 8 of the 16 required credits must be taken in residence or through a study abroad program affiliated with the University of Michigan.

Study Abroad credit my count toward the minor. Please consult with the Polish advisor prior to studying abroad.