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Middle East Studies Major

Effective Fall 2020


Students who elect a Middle East Studies major may not also elect a major in Middle Eastern and North African Studies. Students can pursue both a Judaic Studies and a Middle East Studies major as long as the student does not elect to pursue both a Middle East Studies  Hebrew submjaor and a Judaic Studies Hebrew sub plan. Students pursuing a Middle East Studies Hebrew submajor or Judaic Studies Hebrew subplan cannot use the Hebrew credits used to fulfill the Hebrew submajor/subplan to also fulfill requirements for the Judaic Studies or Middle East Studies major Students can both major and minor in Middle East Studies if the two programs have different focuses and/or different languages are used toward each.


Students interested in declaring a Middle East Studies major or minor should plan to meet with an advisor before doing so to create a comprehensive and cohesive plan of study. Appointments are scheduled through an online calendar available on the department website.

Grade Policies

No course will count toward the major unless the student receives a grade of C- or better.


  • MIDEAST 200: Introduction to the Middle East.
  • Two terms or proven first-year proficiency (placement test and/or successful completion of first-year coursework) in a language appropriate to the student’s chosen submajor.


Minimum Credits: 26

The major in Middle East Studies requires a minimum of 26 credits at the 200-level or above, with at least two courses (in the disciplinary and elective courses) at the 400-level or above. Students must choose both a submajor and a discipline, and complete the MES Major Language Requirement with a submajor-appropriate selection.  

Submajor Requirement: Students must declare one submajor: Ancient Middle East Studies, Arabic Studies, Armenian Studies, Hebrew Studies, Persian Studies, or Turkish Studies.

Disciplinary Requirement: At least three courses (and a minimum 10 credits), focused on a single discipline. At least two courses must be from the Department of Middle East Studies. Disciplinary courses can be chosen from a pre-approved list or, by exception, chosen in consultation with, and approved by, an MES department advisor.  

Middle East Studies Language Requirement for the Major: At least two additional terms in the language appropriate to the submajor (A minimum of 6 credits).

Four terms or fourth-term proficiency appropriate to the selected submajor. Some of the submajors require fourth-term proficiency in a single language. Students are strongly encouraged to continue their language training beyond the four terms required. This is particularly important for students contemplating graduate studies. Students may test out of the Language Requirement for the MES Major by placement test, but will be required to make up the credits toward the major by taking additional coursework in either the Disciplinary or Elective Requirements.

Select one of the following language choices that matches the submajor:

  • Arabic, Armenian, Persian, or Turkish Studies: Two additional terms in the selected language.
  • Hebrew Studies: Three additional terms of language. Students pursuing the Hebrew Studies submajor must take an additional term of Hebrew language instruction at the 300-level or above to complete the Language Requirement. Students also must include two upper division courses which are taught in Hebrew or require the reading of Hebrew texts in the Elective or Disciplinary requirements.
  • Ancient Middle East Studies: Two additional terms of language beyond the prerequisite.

Students pursuing the Ancient Middle East Studies submajor may take two semesters of the same ancient language or of a different language (or one semester each of two languages) from that taken for the prerequisite to satisfy the MES Major Language Requirement for a total of four semesters of language. Students may use up to three ancient languages toward the major (including the prerequisites), chosen from the following Ancient Languages: Akkadian, Aramaic, Coptic, Sumerian, Classical Hebrew, Classical Greek, Hittite, Middle Egyptian, Syriac, or Ugaritic.)

Electives: At least three courses (and a minimum 10 credits), chosen from the disciplines not selected for the disciplinary requirement. At least two courses must be from the Department of Middle East Studies. These courses may be in a single discipline or cross-disciplinary. Electives can be chosen from a pre-approved list or, by exception, chosen in consultation with, and approved by, an MES department advisor. Language classes can be counted as electives, with the following restrictions: No more than one elective may be a 300-level or above language course appropriate to the selected sub-major. No more than one elective may be a 200-level or above language course in a second Middle East Studies language.

At least one course within either the Discipline or the Elective Requirement must be from the pre-modern period and at least one course within either the Discipline or the Elective Requirement must be modern.


  • No more than 8 credits may be elected as Independent Study.
  • No more than one course elected outside the department of Middle East Studies can be applied toward the Disciplinary Requirement.
  • No more than one course elected outside the department of Middle East Studies can be applied toward the Elective Requirement.


A minimum of 14 of the required 26 credits for the major must be taken at the U-M Ann Arbor campus.

Distribution Policy

No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the ARABIC, ARMENIAN, HEBREW, MIDEAST, NEAREAST, MELANG, NESLANG, PERSIAN, and TURKISH subject areas may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.


The Honors subplan is open to all students who maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.4 and at least 3.5 in the courses elected as part of the major. Students must complete all regular requirements for the major as well as demonstrate the ability to do original work by writing an Honors thesis.

Applications for Honors are due to the department by the last day of class of the student’s junior year. Students may discuss the application process at any time before then with an MES department advisor. Once approved, students enroll in a two-semester, variable credit sequence of independent study coursework to finish the Honors thesis. A recommendation for the designation of “Honors,” “High Honors,” “Highest Honors,” or “No Honors” in Middle East Studies is determined on the successful completion of this coursework and on the quality of the student’s Honors thesis.

Further information concerning the Honors subplan can be obtained at the departmental office or the Honors Program Office (1330 Mason Hall).

Middle East Studies (Major) (Fall 2018 - Summer 2020)

Effective Fall 2018


Students who elect a Middle East Studies major may not also elect a major in Middle Eastern and North African Studies. Students who elect the Hebrew Studies submajor may not also elect a major in Judaic Studies. Students can both major and minor in Middle East Studies if the two programs have different focuses and/or different languages are used toward each.


Students interested in declaring a Middle East Studies major or minor should plan to meet with an advisor before doing so to create a comprehensive and cohesive plan of study. Appointments are scheduled through an online calendar available on the department website.

Grade Policies

No course will count toward the major unless the student receives a grade of C- or better.


  • MIDEAST 200: Introduction to the Middle East.
  • Two terms or proven first-year proficiency (placement test and/or successful completion of first-year coursework) in a language appropriate to the student’s chosen submajor.


Minimum Credits: 26

The major in Middle East Studies requires a minimum of 26 credits at the 200-level or above, with at least two courses (in the disciplinary and elective courses) at the 400-level or above. Students must choose both a submajor and a discipline, and complete the MES Major Language Requirement with a submajor-appropriate selection.  

Submajor Requirement: Students must declare one submajor: Ancient Middle East Studies, Arabic Studies, Armenian Studies, Hebrew Studies, Persian Studies, or Turkish Studies.

Disciplinary Requirement: At least three courses (and a minimum 10 credits), focused on a single discipline. At least two courses must be from the Department of Middle East Studies. Disciplinary courses can be chosen from a pre-approved list or, by exception, chosen in consultation with, and approved by, an MES department advisor.  

Middle East Studies Language Requirement for the Major: At least two additional terms in the language appropriate to the submajor (A minimum of 6 credits).

Four terms or fourth-term proficiency appropriate to the selected submajor. Some of the submajors require fourth-term proficiency in a single language. Students are strongly encouraged to continue their language training beyond the four terms required. This is particularly important for students contemplating graduate studies. Students may test out of the Language Requirement for the MES Major by placement test, but will be required to make up the credits toward the major by taking additional coursework in either the Disciplinary or Elective Requirements.

Select one of the following language choices that matches the submajor:

  • Arabic, Armenian, Persian, or Turkish Studies: Two additional terms in the selected language.
  • Hebrew Studies: Three additional terms of language. Students pursuing the Hebrew Studies submajor must take an additional term of Hebrew language instruction at the 300-level or above to complete the Language Requirement. Students also must include two upper division courses which are taught in Hebrew or require the reading of Hebrew texts in the Elective or Disciplinary requirements.
  • Ancient Middle East Studies: Two additional terms of language beyond the prerequisite.

Students pursuing the Ancient Middle East Studies submajor may take two semesters of the same ancient language or of a different language (or one semester each of two languages) from that taken for the prerequisite to satisfy the MES Major Language Requirement for a total of four semesters of language. Students may use up to three ancient languages toward the major (including the prerequisites), chosen from the following Ancient Languages: Akkadian, Aramaic, Coptic, Sumerian, Classical Hebrew, Classical Greek, Hittite, Middle Egyptian, Syriac, or Ugaritic.)

Electives: At least three courses (and a minimum 10 credits), chosen from the disciplines not selected for the disciplinary requirement. At least two courses must be from the Department of Middle East Studies. These courses may be in a single discipline or cross-disciplinary. Electives can be chosen from a pre-approved list or, by exception, chosen in consultation with, and approved by, an MES department advisor. Up to two courses may be 200 level or above in a second Middle East Studies language.  

At least one course within either the Discipline or the Elective Requirement must be from the pre-modern period and at least one course within either the Discipline or the Elective Requirement must be modern.


  • No more than 8 credits may be elected as Independent Study.
  • No more than one course elected outside the department of Middle East Studies can be applied toward the Disciplinary Requirement.
  • No more than one course elected outside the department of Middle East Studies can be applied toward the Elective Requirement.


A minimum of 14 of the required 26 credits for the major must be taken at the U-M Ann Arbor campus.

Distribution Policy

No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the ARABIC, ARMENIAN, HEBREW, MIDEAST, NEAREAST, MELANG, NESLANG, PERSIAN, and TURKISH subject areas may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.


The Honors subplan is open to all students who maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.4 and at least 3.5 in the courses elected as part of the major. Students must complete all regular requirements for the major as well as demonstrate the ability to do original work by writing an Honors thesis.

Applications for Honors are due to the department by the last day of class of the student’s junior year. Students may discuss the application process at any time before then with an MES department advisor. Once approved, students enroll in a two-semester, variable credit sequence of independent study coursework to finish the Honors thesis. A recommendation for the designation of “Honors,” “High Honors,” “Highest Honors,” or “No Honors” in Middle East Studies is determined on the successful completion of this coursework and on the quality of the student’s Honors thesis.

Further information concerning the Honors subplan can be obtained at the departmental office or the Honors Program Office (1330 Mason Hall).

Near Eastern Studies (Major) (Fall 2017 - Summer 2018)

Effective Fall 2017


Students who elect Near Eastern Studies major may not also elect a major in Middle Eastern and North African Studies. Students who elect the Hebrew Studies submajor may not also elect a major in Judaic Studies. Students can both major and minor in Near Eastern Studies if different languages are used toward each.


Students interested in declaring a Near Eastern Studies major or minor should plan to meet with an advisor before doing so to create a comprehensive and cohesive plan of study. Appointments are scheduled in the department office.

Grade Policies

No course will count toward the major unless the student receives a grade of C- or better.


  • MIDEAST 200: Introduction to the Middle East.
  • Two terms or proven first-year proficiency (Placement test and/or successful completion of first-year coursework) in a language appropriate to the student’s chosen subfield.


Minimum Credits: 26

The major in Near Eastern Studies requires a minimum of 26 credits at the 200-level or above, with at least two courses (in the disciplinary and elective courses) at the 400-level or above. Students must choose both a submajor and a discipline, and complete the NES Major Language requirement with a submajor-appropriate selection.  

Submajor Requirement: Students must declare one submajor: Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Arabic Studies, Armenian Studies, Hebrew Studies, Persian Studies, or Turkish Studies.

Disciplinary Requirement: At least three courses (and a minimum 10 credits), focused on a single discipline. At least two courses must be from the department of Near Eastern Studies. Disciplinary courses can be chosen from a pre-approved list or, by exception, a course chosen in consultation with, and approved by, an NES department advisor.  

Near Eastern Studies Language Requirement for the Major: At least two additional terms in the language appropriate to the submajor (A minimum of 6 credits).

Four terms or fourth-term proficiency appropriate to the selected submajor. Some of the submajors require fourth-term proficiency in a single language. Students are strongly encouraged to continue their language training beyond the four terms required. This is particularly important for students contemplating graduate studies. Students may test out of the Language Requirement for the NES Major by placement test (different procedures in different languages in place) but will be required to make up the credits toward the major by taking additional coursework in either the Disciplinary or Elective Requirements.

Select one of the following language choices that matches the submajor:

  • Arabic, Armenian, Persian, or Turkish Studies: Two additional terms in the selected language.
  • Hebrew Studies: Three additional terms of language. Students pursuing the Hebrew Studies submajor must take an additional term of Hebrew language instruction at the 300-level or above to complete the Language Requirement. Students also must include two upper division courses which are taught in Hebrew or require the reading of Hebrew texts in the Elective or Disciplinary requirements.
  • Ancient Near Eastern Studies: Two additional terms of language beyond the prerequisite.

Students pursuing the Ancient Near Eastern Studies submajor may take two semesters of the same ancient language or of a different language (or one semester each of two languages) from that taken for the prerequisite to satisfy the NES Major Language Requirement for a total of four semesters of language. Students may use up to three ancient languages toward the major (including the prerequisites), chosen from the following Ancient Languages: Akkadian, Aramaic, Coptic, Sumerian, Classical Hebrew, Classical Greek, Hittite, Ancient Egyptian, Syriac, or Ugaritic.)

Electives: At least three courses (and a minimum 10 credits), chosen from the disciplines not selected for the disciplinary requirement. At least two courses must be from the department of Near Eastern Studies. These courses may be in a single discipline or cross-disciplinary. Electives can be chosen from a pre-approved list or, by exception, a course chosen in consultation with, and approved by, an NES department advisor. Up to two courses may be 200 level or above in a second Near Eastern Studies language.  

At least one course within either the Discipline or the Elective Requirement must be from the pre-modern period and at least one course within either the Discipline or the Elective Requirement must be modern.


  • No more than 8 credits may be elected as Independent Study.
  • No more than one course elected outside the department of Near Eastern Studies can be applied toward the Disciplinary Requirement.
  • No more than one course elected outside the department of Near Eastern Studies can be applied toward the Elective Requirement.


A minimum of 14 of the required 26 credits for the major must be taken at the U-M Ann Arbor campus.

Distribution Policy

No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the ARABIC, ARMENIAN, HEBREW, MIDEAST, NEAREAST, MELANG, NESLANG, PERSIAN, and TURKISH subject areas may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.


The Honors plan is open to all students who maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.4 and at least 3.5 in the courses elected as part of the major. Students must complete all regular requirements for the major as well as demonstrate the ability to do original work by writing an Honors thesis.

Applications for Honors are due to the department by the last day of class of the student’s junior year. Students may discuss the application process at any time before then with an NES department advisor. Once approved, students enroll in a two-semester, variable credit sequence of independent study coursework to finish the Honors thesis. A recommendation for the designation of “Honors,” “High Honors,” “Highest Honors,” or “No Honors” in Near Eastern Studies is determined on the successful completion of this coursework and on the quality of the student’s Honors thesis.

Further information concerning the Honors plan can be obtained at the departmental office or the Honors Program Office (1330 Mason Hall).

Near Eastern Studies (Major) (Fall 2015 - Summer 2017)

Effective Fall 2015


Students who elect Near Eastern Studies major may not also elect a major in Middle Eastern and North African Studies. Students who elect the Hebrew Studies submajor may not also elect a major in Judaic Studies. Students can both major and minor in Near Eastern Studies if different languages are used toward each.


Students interested in declaring a Near Eastern Studies major or minor should plan to meet with an advisor before doing so to create a comprehensive and cohesive plan of study. Appointments are scheduled in the department office.

Grade Policies

No course will count toward the major unless the student receives a grade of C- or better.


  • NEAREAST 100: Peoples of the Middle East (or ACABS 100 / AAPTIS 100 / HJCS 100 / HISTORY 132).
  • Two terms or proven first-year proficiency (Placement test and/or successful completion of first-year coursework) in a language appropriate to the student’s chosen subfield.


Minimum Credits: 26

The major in Near Eastern Studies requires a minimum of 26 credits at the 200-level or above, with at least two courses (in the disciplinary and elective courses) at the 400-level or above. Students must choose both a submajor and a discipline, and complete the NES Major Language requirement with a submajor-appropriate selection.

Submajor Requirement: Students must declare one submajor: Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Arabic Studies, Armenian Studies, Hebrew Studies, Persian Studies, or Turkish Studies.

Disciplinary Requirement: At least three courses (and a minimum 10 credits), focused on a single discipline. At least two courses must be from the department of Near Eastern Studies. Disciplinary courses can be chosen from a pre-approved list or, by exception, a course chosen in consultation with, and approved by, an NES department advisor.

Near Eastern Studies Language Requirement for the Major: At least two additional terms in the language appropriate to the submajor (A minimum of 6 credits).

Four terms or fourth-term proficiency appropriate to the selected submajor. Some of the submajors require fourth-term proficiency in a single language. Students are strongly encouraged to continue their language training beyond the four terms required. This is particularly important for students contemplating graduate studies. Students may test out of the Language Requirement for the NES Major by placement test (different procedures in different languages in place) but will be required to make up the credits toward the major by taking additional coursework in either the Disciplinary or Elective Requirements.

Select one of the following language choices that matches the submajor:

  • Arabic, Armenian, Persian, or Turkish Studies: Two additional terms in the selected language.
  • Hebrew Studies: Three additional terms of language. Students pursuing the Hebrew Studies submajor must take an additional term of Hebrew language instruction at the 300-level or above to complete the Language Requirement. Students also must include two upper division courses which are taught in Hebrew or require the reading of Hebrew texts in the Elective or Disciplinary requirements.
  • Ancient Near Eastern Studies: Two additional terms of language beyond the prerequisite.

Students pursuing the Ancient Near Eastern Studies submajor may take two semesters of the same ancient language or of a different language (or one semester each of two languages) from that taken for the prerequisite to satisfy the NES Major Language Requirement for a total of four semesters of language.

Students may use up to three ancient languages toward the major (including the prerequisites), chosen from the following Ancient Languages: Akkadian, Aramaic, Coptic, Sumerian, Classical Hebrew, Classical Greek, Hittite, Ancient Egyptian, Syriac, or Ugaritic.)

Electives: At least three courses (and a minimum 10 credits), chosen from the disciplines not selected for the disciplinary requirement. At least two courses must be from the department of Near Eastern Studies. These courses may be in a single discipline or cross-disciplinary. Electives can be chosen from a pre-approved list or, by exception, a course chosen in consultation with, and approved by, an NES department advisor. Up to two courses may be 200 level or above in a second Near Eastern Studies language.

At least one course within either the Discipline or the Elective Requirement must be from the pre-modern period and at least one course within either the Discipline or the Elective Requirement must be modern.


No more than 8 credits may be elected as Independent Study. No more than one course elected outside the department of Near Eastern Studies can be applied toward the Elective Requirement. No more than one course elected outside the department of Near Eastern Studies can be applied toward the Disciplinary Requirement.


A minimum of 14 of the required 26 credits for the major must be taken at the U-M Ann Arbor campus.

Distribution Policy

No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the ARABIC, ARMENIAN, HEBREW, MIDEAST, NEAREAST, MELANG, NESLANG, PERSIAN, and TURKISH subject areas may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.


The Honors plan is open to all students who maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.4 and at least 3.5 in the courses elected as part of the major. Students must complete all regular requirements for the major as well as demonstrate the ability to do original work by writing an Honors thesis.

Applications for Honors are due to the department by the last day of class of the student’s junior year. Students may discuss the application process at any time before then with an NES department advisor. Once approved, students enroll in a two-semester, variable credit sequence of independent study coursework to finish the Honors thesis. A recommendation for the designation of “Honors,” “High Honors,” “Highest Honors,” or “No Honors” in Near Eastern Studies is determined on the successful completion of this coursework and on the quality of the student’s Honors thesis.

Further information concerning the Honors plan can be obtained at the departmental office or the Honors Program Office (1330 Mason Hall).