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Latin American and Caribbean Studies Major

Effective Fall 2016


Undergraduate advisors at the International Institute are available to meet with undeclared students who would like to learn more about the program, and also with current majors and minors who would like to discuss course selection, degree requirements, major/minor releases, and other matters of concern. Appointments can be made through our online appointment calendar here. Information on all of our undergraduate programs and Walk-In Advising hours can also be found on our website. The International Institute’s Undergraduate Advising Office is currently located at 1080 South University Avenue, Suite 2660.




Minimum Credits: 30

LACS Language Requirement for the Major. Proficiency in Spanish [SPANISH 277 or RCLANG 294 or equivalent] or Portuguese [PORTUG 232 or equivalent] should be achieved as early as possible in the program. Students are encouraged to go beyond this, either with further work in the language chosen, or by achieving competency in the other major language.

Language requirement courses are not included in the minimum 30 credits required for the major nor in the major GPA.

At least 20 credits must be at the 300-400 level.

Required Courses. Students must include at least one course from each of the following areas of study:

  • Anthropology:
    ANTHRCUL 319: Latin American Society and Culture, ANTHRCUL 414: Introduction to Caribbean Societies and Cultures, I, or an upper-level Anthropology course on Latin America, approved by an advisor.
  • History:
    HISTORY 347: Latin America: The Colonial Period or HISTORY 348: Latin America: The National Period, or an upper-level HISTORY course on Latin America, approved by an advisor.
  • Literature:
    SPANISH 381: Survey of Latin American Literature, I, SPANISH 382: Survey of Latin American Literature, II, or an upper-level course in Latin American literature, approved by an advisor.
  • Politics and Economy:
    SPANISH 438: Economy and Politics in Latin America/Spain, or an upper-level course in Latin American politics and/or economy, approved by an advisor.

Note: courses in this area are usually found in the departments of Political Science, Sociology, and Spanish.

Elective Courses. The remainder of the 30 credits may be drawn from courses, from any department, that deal with Latin America and the Caribbean; including up to 4 credits of Quechua or Nahuatl language. Study Abroad coursework may be used toward the major with approval from an advisor.

Distribution Policy

No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the LACS subject area may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.


Application for an Honors major is usually made at the beginning of the third year. Participation requires a 3.5 GPA in all LACS coursework and a 3.4 overall GPA. Graduation with Honors is recommended for students who complete all College and LACS graduation requirements, maintain a 3.5 major GPA, 3.4 overall GPA, and write a substantial LACS Senior Thesis that is judged worthy of Honors designation by the thesis advisor and at least one other faculty reader. An Honors major is not limited to students who have been in the College Honors Program in the first and second years. LACS Honors candidates will enroll in LACS 399 during their thesis writing semester. More details about the Senior Thesis and about applying for LACS Honors may be obtained from the department advisor.