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German Studies Minor

Effective Winter 2019


A minor in German Studies is not open to students with a German major .


Students wishing to pursue a minor in German Studies must develop a specific plan for its completion in consultation with Kalli Federhofer or Mary Rodena-Krasan, the department advisors. Appointments are scheduled online at

Grade Policies

Students must earn a grade of C- or better in all required courses.


GERMAN 221, 231, RCLANG 191, or the equivalent (AP/IB score, placement test, transfer credits).


Minimum Credits: 18
  • 18 credits of courses at the level of GERMAN 230 or 232 or higher are required.
  • 12 of the 18 credits must be taught in German and must include either GERMAN 325 or 326 (or RCLANG 321).
  • At least one of the courses must be numbered 400 or above.


  • AP/IB credits will count as prerequisites only and cannot count toward the 18 credits of the German minor.
  • 4 credits from GERMAN 230/RCLANG 291 will count toward the German minor.
  • Independent studies should not count for German-language credit.
  • Translation courses (GERMAN 470 and 472) should count as if taught in the German language.

German Studies (Minor) (Winter 2017 - Fall 2018)

Effective Winter 2017


A minor in German Studies is not open to students with a German major .


Students wishing to pursue a minor in German Studies must develop a specific plan for its completion in consultation with Kalli Federhofer or Andrew Mills, the department advisors. Appointments are scheduled online at

Grade Policies

Students must earn a grade of C- or better in all required courses.


GERMAN 221, 231, RCLANG 191, or the equivalent (AP/IB score, placement test, transfer credits).


Minimum Credits: 18
  • 18 credits of courses at the level of GERMAN 230 or 232 or higher are required.
  • The 18 credits must include either GERMAN 325 or 326 (or RCLANG 321), and at least four courses within the 18 credits must be taught in German. 
  • At least one of the courses must be numbered 400 or above.


  • AP/IB credits will count as prerequisites only and cannot count toward the 18 credits of the German minor.
  • 4 credits from GERMAN 230/RCLANG 291 will count toward the German minor.