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Computer Science Major

Effective Winter 2025

Grade Policies

Students may repeat EECS 203, EECS 280, and EECS 281 once, for a maximum of two attempts at each course. Subsequent attempts must be petitioned through the CSE advising office. 

Grades of C or better must be achieved in all courses taken to satisfy Computer Science requirements. 


The LSA Computer Science (CS) major consists of 4 prerequisite courses, in addition to the requirements for the major. The prerequisite courses are EECS 203 or MATH 465* or MATH 565*, EECS 280, and two approved math courses. Approved math courses include MATH 115, 116, 214, 215, and 216. Check with the department for an up-to-date list. EECS 203 or MATH 465* or MATH 565*, EECS 280, and one approved math course must be completed prior to declaration, while the second approved math course may be completed after declaration. Grades of C or better must be achieved in all prerequisite courses.

Performance in these classes is indicative of student aptitude for the Computer Science program, and students who do not perform well are encouraged to meet with a CS-LSA advisor. (*Note that MATH 465/565 require significantly more mathematical background than does EECS 203. Speak to an advisor before selecting these courses.)

Due to capacity constraints, students who are admitted to the University of Michigan in Fall 2023 or later must first be selected for the CS major before they can declare the major.


At least 26 credits must be upper-level. 

  1. Core Courses:
    a. Computer Science: EECS 281, 370, 376
    b. Probability and Statistics course: Check with the department for a list of approved probability and statistics courses.
  2. Capstone Course (which may not be counted as CS Upper Level Technical Elective below): Senior Thesis (EECS 443) or Major Design Experience Course (check with the department for current list of approved MDE courses).
  3. Upper-Level CS Technical Electives: 15 credits. Check with the department for an up-to-date list of approved Upper-Level CS elective courses. The department can suggest groupings of electives that pursue different tracks such as software development, robotics, or bioinformatics, among various others.

Comprehensive and up-to-date information about the computer science program can be found on the Computer Science (College of LSA) webpage

Distribution Policy

No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the EECS and CSE subject areas may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.


Students wishing to complete an Honors major in Computer Science must have earned an overall GPA of 3.4 or higher (as required by LSA for Honors), and must have a final major GPA in Computer Science of 3.5 or higher. Students must complete the Senior Thesis course (EECS 443), write a thesis, and make an oral presentation of the thesis results, with the faculty advisor and a second faculty member determining whether the thesis is of a quality that qualifies the students for Honors.

Computer Science (Major) (Fall 2024)

Effective Fall 2024

Grade Policies

Students may repeat EECS 203, EECS 280, and EECS 281 once, for a maximum of two attempts at each course. Subsequent attempts must be petitioned through the CSE advising office. 

Grades of C or better must be achieved in all courses taken to satisfy Computer Science requirements. 


To declare in the LSA Computer Science (CS) major a student must first complete 3 prerequisite courses for the major. These are EECS 203 or MATH 465* or MATH 565*, EECS 280, and one approved math course. Approved math courses include MATH 115, 116, 214, 215, and 216. Check with the department for an up-to-date list. 

Performance in these classes is indicative of student aptitude for the Computer Science program, and students who do not perform well are encouraged to meet with a CS-LSA advisor. (*Note that MATH 465/565 require significantly more mathematical background than does EECS 203. Speak to an advisor before selecting these courses.)

Due to capacity constraints, students who are admitted to the University of Michigan in Fall 2023 or later must first be selected for the CS major before they can declare the major. 


At least 26 credits must be upper-level. 

  1. Core Courses:
    a. Computer Science: EECS 281, 370, 376
    b. Probability and Statistics: STATS 206, 250, 280, 412, 426, STATS 265/IOE 265, ECON 451, or TO 301.
    c. A second approved math course, in addition to the prerequisite math course. Check with the department for approved combinations of math courses.
  2. Capstone Course (which may not be counted as CS Upper Level Technical Elective below): Senior Thesis (EECS 443) or Major Design Experience Course (check with the department for current list of approved MDE courses).
  3. Upper-Level CS Technical Electives: 15 credits. Check with the department for an up-to-date list of approved Upper Level CS elective courses. The department can suggest groupings of electives that pursue different tracks such as software development, robotics, or bioinformatics, among various others.

Comprehensive and up-to-date information about the computer science program can be found on the Computer Science (College of LSA) webpage

Distribution Policy

No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the EECS and CSE subject areas may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.


Students wishing to complete an Honors major in Computer Science must have earned a 3.2 or higher GPA in the four required pre-courses for the major (MATH 115, 116, EECS 203 and 280). Student must also have earned an overall GPA of 3.4 or higher (as required by LSA for Honors), and must have a final major GPA in Computer Science of 3.5 or higher. Students must complete the Senior Thesis course (EECS 443), write a thesis, and make an oral presentation of the thesis results, with the faculty advisor and a second faculty member determining whether the thesis is of a quality that qualifies the students for Honors.

Computer Science (Major) (Fall 2022 - Summer 2024)

Effective Fall 2022

Grade Policies

Students may repeat a pre-major course once, for a maximum of two attempts at each course, and only the final grade for the course will be used to compute the premajor GPA. Only courses with grades of C+ or below can be repeated for this purpose.

Grades of C or better must be achieved in all courses taken to satisfy Computer Science requirements.


To declare in the LSA Computer Science (CS) major a student must first complete 4 pre-courses for the major. These are: EECS 203 or MATH 465* or MATH 565*, EECS 280, MATH 115, MATH 116. Performance in these classes is indicative of student aptitude for the Computer Science program, and students who do not perform well are encouraged to meet with a CS-LSA advisor. (*Note that MATH 465/565 require significantly more mathematical background than does EECS 203. Speak to an advisor before selecting these courses.)

Due to capacity constraints, students who are admitted to the University of Michigan in Fall 2023 or later must first be selected for the CS major before they can declare the major.  


At least 27 credits must be upper-level.

  1. Core Courses:
    1. Computer Science: EECS 281, 370, 376.
    2. Probability and Statistics: STATS 206, 250, 280, 412, 426, STATS 265/IOE 265, ECON 451 (F17), or TO 301 (F17).
  2. Capstone Course (which may not be counted as CS Upper Level Technical Elective below): Senior Thesis (EECS 443),  Major Design Experience Course (check with the department for current list of approved MDE courses), or Social Computing Systems (EECS 480) (only if elected FA19 or later).
  3. Upper-Level CS Technical Electives. 16 credits. Check with the department for an up-to-date list of approved Upper Level CS elective courses. The department can suggest groupings of electives that pursue different tracks such as software development, robotics, or bioinformatics, among various others.

Comprehensive and up-to-date information about the computer science program can be found on the web at:

Distribution Policy

No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the EECS subject area may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.


Students wishing to complete an Honors major in Computer Science must have earned a 3.2 or higher GPA in the four required pre-courses for the major (MATH 115, 116, EECS 203 and 280). Student must also have earned an overall GPA of 3.4 or higher (as required by LSA for Honors), and must have a final major GPA in Computer Science of 3.5 or higher. Students must complete the Senior Thesis course (EECS 443), write a thesis, and make an oral presentation of the thesis results, with the faculty advisor and a second faculty member determining whether the thesis is of a quality that qualifies the students for Honors.

Computer Science (Major) (Fall 2012 - Summer 2022)

Effective Fall 2012

Grade Policies

Students may repeat a pre-major course once, for a maximum of two attempts at each course, and only the final grade for the course will be used to compute the premajor GPA. Only courses with grades of C+ or below can be repeated for this purpose.

Grades of C or better must be achieved in all courses taken to satisfy Computer Science requirements.


To declare in the LSA Computer Science (CS) major a student must first complete 4 pre-courses for the major. These are: EECS 203 or MATH 465* or MATH 565*, EECS 280, MATH 115, MATH 116. Performance in these classes is indicative of student aptitude for the Computer Science program, and students who do not perform well are encouraged to meet with a CS-LSA advisor. (*Note that MATH 465/565 require significantly more mathematical background than does EECS 203. Speak to an advisor before selecting these courses.)




At least 27 credits must be upper-level.

  1. Core Courses:
    1. Computer Science: EECS 281, 370, 376.
    2. Probability and Statistics: STATS 206, 250, 280, 412, 426, STATS 265/IOE 265, ECON 451 (F17), or TO 301 (F17).
  2. Capstone Course (which may not be counted as CS Upper Level Technical Elective below): Senior Thesis (EECS 443),  Major Design Experience Course (check with the department for current list of approved MDE courses), or Social Computing Systems (EECS 480) (only if elected FA19 or later).
  3. Upper-Level CS Technical Electives. 16 credits. Check with the department for an up-to-date list of approved Upper Level CS elective courses. The department can suggest groupings of electives that pursue different tracks such as software development, robotics, or bioinformatics, among various others.

Comprehensive and up-to-date information about the computer science program can be found on the web at:

Distribution Policy

No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the EECS subject area may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.


Students wishing to complete an Honors major in Computer Science must have earned a 3.2 or higher GPA in the four required pre-courses for the major (MATH 115, 116, EECS 203 and 280). Student must also have earned an overall GPA of 3.4 or higher (as required by LSA for Honors), and must have a final major GPA in Computer Science of 3.5 or higher. Students must complete the Senior Thesis course (EECS 443), write a thesis, and make an oral presentation of the thesis results, with the faculty advisor and a second faculty member determining whether the thesis is of a quality that qualifies the students for Honors.