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Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian Literature and Culture Minor

Effective Winter 2013


Not open to those who are electing a concentration in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies. Students could concurrently pursue this academic minor with one in REES with the following restrictions: (1). REES academic minors may not count any course for which Slavic is the home unit. (2). Slavic academic minors may not count REEES 397 or any course for which REES is the home unit, which includes SLAVIC 395 and 396.


Students wishing to pursue an academic minor in the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures must develop a specific plan for its completion in consultation with the department's designated advisor, Tatjana Aleksic. Appointments are scheduled online at


BCS 131, 132, and 231, or equivalent, as determined by the departmental placement examination.


Minimum Credits: 16

16 credits of courses, including BCS 232 (4 credits) and 12 credits in courses selected from the following two categories, with at least 6 credits from Category A and no more than 6 credits from Category B:

Category A: BCS Courses Language, Literature, and Culture. Courses in Category A encourage students to continue their language study through literary classes and individualized work with an instructor, concentrating on BCS culture, literature and history.

  • BCS 350 / JUDAIC 350 / REEES 350: Legacy of the Holocaust in Yugoslav Culture: How and Why We Need to Narrate the Holocaust
  • BCS 436: Modern Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
  • BCS 437: Yugoslav Literature of Exile: Nowhere People-Exiles from the State of Ideology
  • BCS 439: Directed Reading of Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Literature
  • BCS 450: In No Man's Land: Walls, Migrations and Human Trafficking in the Balkans and Mediterranean (W16)
  • HISTORY 431: History of the Balkans Since 1878
  • SLAVIC 471: Seminar in Cultural Studies of Central, Eastern and Southern Europe, section titled “Technologies of Memory”

Category B: Courses on Central/Eastern European Slavic Culture. Category B courses place the cultural space of the Western Balkans (the area where BCS is spoken) into a larger Central European political, cultural and historical context.

  • POLISH 215: Heart of Europe: Poland Today
  • SLAVIC 225: Arts and Cultures of Central Europe
  • SLAVIC 245: Vampires and How to Spot Them: Blood, Lust and Power (W19)
  • SLAVIC 312 / RCHUMS 312: Central European Cinema
  • SLAVIC 423: Central European Literature in the Twentieth Century
  • SLAVIC 490: Issues in the Cultures of Eastern Europe (appropriate topics)
  • REEES 405: Topics in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies (appropriate topics)