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Biology Major

Effective Winter 2023


Students who elect a major in Biology may not elect the following majors: Biology, Health, and Society (formerly known as General Biology); Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB - formerly known as Cellular & Molecular Biology or CMB); Cellular and Molecular Biomedical Science (formerly known as CMB:BME); Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity; Microbiology; Plant Biology; Biochemistry; Biomolecular Science; or Neuroscience. They also may not elect a minor in Biology; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Plant Biology; Chemistry; or Biochemistry.


Students are advised by a combination of Undergraduate Biology Office staff and faculty department advisors. Advising topics include investigating majors, declaring a major, course planning, research and Honors, major releases, graduate school and career advice. Students interested in any major in the biological sciences are encouraged to meet with an advisor to discuss their academic plans as soon as possible! Students need not have completed all of the major prerequisites to declare, but should have completed the introductory biology sequence with a 2.0 GPA or better and be in good academic standing. To make an appointment, go to the Program in Biology website at

Grade Policies

Total Credits and GPA Requirement for Biology:

Minimum 30 cr. in the Major.

Minimum 2.0 GPA in the Major.

GPA is calculated from all mandatory prerequisites, all courses used for major requirements (including cognates) and all courses in BIOLOGY, EEB, and MCDB.

The introductory biology sequence must be taken for a grade.  Prerequisites other than introductory biology may be taken pass/fail; however, it is not recommended, especially for chemistry. Remember that at least a C- must be earned to pass a course taken pass/fail. 

Courses used for the major may not be taken pass/fail.


Introductory Biology Sequence:
Choose A, B, or C:

    1. BIOLOGY 171, BIOLOGY 172 or 174, & BIOLOGY 173; or
    2. BIOLOGY 195 (AP/IB) & BIOLOGY 173; or
    3. BIOLOGY 191 (transfer credit), BIOLOGY 192, & BIOLOGY 173

Chemistry Sequence:

  • CHEM 210 & 211; and,
  • CHEM 215 & 216

Quantitative Analysis Sequence:

Choose four courses from the following options: [Note:  Any course used to fulfill this requirement cannot also be used as a major elective; i.e., a course cannot "double-count."]

  • Calculus 1: MATH 115, 120 (AP), 175, 185, or 295
  • Calculus 2: MATH 116, 121 (AP), 156, 176, 186, or 296
  • Physics I: PHYSICS 125, 135, 139 (AP), 140, 150, or 160
  • Physics II: PHYSICS 126, 235, 239 (AP), 240, 250, or 260
  • Computer Programming: EECS 183, 203, and/or 280
  • Statistics: [STATS 180 (AP), 206, 250, or 280]; and/or STATS 400-level or above (min. 3 credits)
  • BIOLOGY 131
  • BIOLOGY 202
  • EARTH 468


Minimum Credits: 30

Biology Group Options

(Courses with an asterisk (*) may overlap with the lab requirement):

Choose from one Group I and one from Group II:

  • Group I - MCDB Elective: Choose 1 from: BIOLOGY 205, BIOLOGY 207*, BIOLOGY 225, or BIOLOGY 230*; BIOLOGY 272; and,
  • Group II - EEB Elective: Choose 1 from: BIOLOGY 207*, BIOLOGY 230*, BIOLOGY 252*, BIOLOGY 255*, BIOLOGY 256, BIOLOGY 281, BIOLOGY 282, BIOLOGY 288*, or EEB 381*

Required Courses
(Courses with an asterisk (*) may overlap with the lab requirement):

  • Genetics: BIOLOGY 305
  • Biochemistry: Choose from: MCDB 310, BIOLCHEM 415, or CHEM 351
  • Evolution: EEB 390, 391, or 392*

Upper-Level Elective
(May overlap with the lab requirement):

Choose one course in EEB or MCDB at the 300- or 400- level

  • Exclusions: EEB / MCDB 301, EEB/MCDB 302, EEB/MCDB 399, EEB/MCDB 499, MCDB 412, MCDB 461 (only if elected WN21 or later) and a non-specific (departmental) transfer courses are EXCLUDED.
  • EEB / MCDB 300 or 400 (Independent Research), elected for a minimum of 3 credits in a single term, may be used to fulfill this requirement. (3 credit max. applies; see CONSTRAINTS below.)

Lab Courses for Biology
(This requirement may OVERLAP with other major reqs.):

3 courses with labs are required.  Choose from BIOLOGY 202**, 207, 226, 230, 252, 255, 288; EEB 300*, 313, 320, 321, 330, 341, 348, 372, 373, 381, 391, 392, 400*, 405, 416, 429, 431, 433, 436, 441, 443, 447, 450, 451, 453, 455, 457, 468, 477, 482, 483, 486, 489, 493, 556; MCDB 300*, 306, 308, 400*, 416, 419, 423, 424, 429.
*EEB / MCDB 300 or 400 (Independent Research), elected for a minimum of 3 credits in a single term, may be used to fulfill a lab requirement. (3 credit max. applies; see CONSTRAINTS below.)

**Only if BIOLOGY 202 is NOT used as a prerequisite for the major

Additional Course(s):
Choose additional BIOLOGY, EEB, and MCDB courses at the 200-, 300-, or 400-level, to reach 30 major credit hours.

  • Exclusions: BIOLOGY 241, BIOLOGY 299, EEB / MCDB 301, EEB / MCDB 302, MCDB 412, MCDB 600, and non-specific (departmental) transfer courses are EXCLUDED.
  • A maximum of two approved cognate courses may be used as additional courses: ANTHRBIO 365, 368, 450, ANTHRBIO / ENVIRON 461; BIOLCHEM 650; BIOMEDE 231; CHEM 230 and above; CLIMATE / EARTH / SPACE 320; CMPLXSYS 501, 530; EARTH 418, 436, 437; EARTH / ENVIRON 450, 453; ENVIRON 310, 317; EPID 543, 560; HUMGEN 541; MATH 200 and above*; MICRBIOL / IMMUN 440; MICRBIOL 405, 415, 430, 460; PHRMACOL 310, 425; PHYSICS / BIOPHYS 290* (only if not used as a prerequisite); PSYCH 337, 338; STATS 401*, 412*, 425*.

*Courses used as prerequisites may not double-count as additional courses.


  • Prerequisites, introductory science courses, and non-specific (departmental) transfer courses are EXCLUDED from the 30 cr. required for the major.
  • A maximum of three credits of independent research (BIOLOGY 200, EEB/MCDB 300 or 400 or MCDB 360, 361, or 461 if elected FA19 or later) may be counted toward the major.


Distribution Policy

No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the BIOLOGY, EEB, MCDB, and MICRBIOL subject areas may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.


The Program in Biology administers an Honors major to train students to conduct independent research in the biological sciences.  Participating in the Honors major allows students to develop their research skills, deepen their understanding of the field, and form productive relationships with faculty and other students. The achievement is noted on the diploma and official transcript.

In addition to completing all the requirements for the major, an honors degree requires:

  1. an overall and major GPA of at least 3.4,
  2. participation in at least two terms of independent research, and
  3. the completion of a significant piece of independent research that is
    1. reported in an honors thesis and
    2. presented in a public forum.

Note that undergraduate research students typically register for an independent research course (as appropriate for their major) during each term of research. Formal course registration is encouraged, but not required. For more information, including the Honors Program application, consult the Program in Biology Honors Information page.

Biology (Major) (Winter 2019 - Fall 2022)

Effective Winter 2019


Students who elect a major in Biology may not elect the following majors: Biology, Health, and Society (formerly known as General Biology); Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCDB - formerly known as Cellular & Molecular Biology or CMB); Cellular and Molecular Biomedical Science (formerly known as CMB:BME); Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity; Microbiology; Plant Biology; Biochemistry; Biomolecular Science; or Neuroscience. They also may not elect a minor in Biology; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Plant Biology; Chemistry; or Biochemistry.


Students are advised by a combination of Undergraduate Biology Office staff and faculty department advisors. Advising topics include investigating majors, declaring a major, course planning, research and honors, major releases, graduate school and career advice. Students who are interested in the Program in Biology majors or minors should consult a general advisor during the freshman year, and are strongly encouraged to meet with a department advisor early in their academic career, but no later than the second term of their sophomore year. It is not necessary to complete every prerequisite before declaring a major.

To make an appointment, go to the Program in Biology website at

Grade Policies

Total Credits and GPA Requirement for Biology:

Minimum 30 cr. in the Major.

Minimum 2.0 GPA in the Major.

GPA is calculated from all mandatory prerequisites, all courses used for major requirements (including cognates) and all courses in BIOLOGY, EEB, and MCDB.

The introductory biology sequence must be taken for a grade.  Prerequisites other than introductory biology may be taken pass/fail; however, it is not recommended, especially for chemistry. Remember that at least a C- must be earned to pass a course taken pass/fail. 

Courses used for the major may not be taken pass/fail.


Introductory Biology Sequence:
Choose A, B, or C:

    1. BIOLOGY 171, BIOLOGY 172 or 174, & BIOLOGY 173; or
    2. BIOLOGY 195 (AP/IB) & BIOLOGY 173; or
    3. BIOLOGY 191 (transfer credit), BIOLOGY 192, & BIOLOGY 173

Chemistry Sequence:

  • CHEM 210 & 211; and,
  • CHEM 215 & 216

Quantitative Analysis Sequence:

  • CALCULUS I: MATH 115, 120 (AP), 175, 185, or 295; and,
  • One course from MATH 116, 121 (AP), 156, 176, 186, or 296; STATS 180 (AP),  206 (only if elected F20 or later), 250 or 280; STATS 400-level or above (min. 3 credits); BIOLOGY 202; BIOPHYS / PHYSICS 290; EECS 183, 203 or 280; EARTH 468; or other course with a MATH 115 prereq. chosen in consultation with a major advisor.

[Note: Any course used to fulfill this requirement cannot also be used as a major elective; i.e., a course cannot "double-count."]

Physics Sequence:

  • Physics I (lecture & lab): One of the following combinations: PHYSICS 125 & 127; 135 & 136; 140 & 141; 150 & 151 (only if elected FA21 or later); or 160 & 161.  PHYSICS 139 (AP) will also fulfill this requirement.
  • Physics II (lecture & lab): One of the following combinations: PHYSICS 126 & 128; 235 & 236; 240 & 241; 250 & 251 (only if elected FA21 or later); or 260 & 261.  PHYSICS 239 (AP) will also fulfill this requirement.


Minimum Credits: 30

Biology Group Options

(Courses with an asterisk (*) may overlap with the lab requirement):

Choose from one Group I and one from Group II:

  • Group I - MCDB Elective: Choose 1 from: BIOLOGY 205, BIOLOGY 207*, BIOLOGY 225, or BIOLOGY 230*; BIOLOGY 272; and,
  • Group II - EEB Elective: Choose 1 from: BIOLOGY 207*, BIOLOGY 230*, BIOLOGY 252*, BIOLOGY 255*, BIOLOGY 256, BIOLOGY 281, BIOLOGY 282, BIOLOGY 288*, or EEB 381*

Required Courses
(Courses with an asterisk (*) may overlap with the lab requirement):

  • Genetics: BIOLOGY 305
  • Biochemistry: Choose from: MCDB 310, BIOLCHEM 415, or CHEM 351
  • Evolution: EEB 390, 391, or 392*

Upper-Level Elective
(May overlap with the lab requirement):

Choose one course in EEB or MCDB at the 300- or 400- level

  • EEB / MCDB 301, EEB/MCDB 302, EEB/MCDB 399, EEB/MCDB 499, MCDB 412, MCDB 461 (only if elected WN21 or later) and a non-specific (departmental) transfer courses are EXCLUDED.
  • EEB / MCDB 300 or 400 (Independent Research), elected for a minimum of 3 credits in a single term, may be used to fulfill this requirement. (3 credit max. applies; see CONSTRAINTS below.)

Lab Courses for Biology
(This requirement may OVERLAP with other major reqs.):

3 courses with labs are required.  Choose from BIOLOGY 202**, 207, 226, 230, 252, 255, 288; EEB 300*, 313, 320, 321, 330, 341, 348, 372, 373, 381, 391, 392, 400*, 405, 416, 431, 433, 436, 441, 443, 450, 451, 453, 455, 457, 468, 477, 482, 483, 486, 489, 493, 556; MCDB 300*, 306, 308, 400*, 416, 419, 423, 424, 429.
*EEB / MCDB 300 or 400 (Independent Research), elected for a minimum of 3 credits in a single term, may be used to fulfill a lab requirement. (3 credit max. applies; see CONSTRAINTS below.)

**Only if BIOLOGY 202 is NOT used as a prerequisite for the major

Additional Course(s):
Choose additional BIOLOGY, EEB, and MCDB courses at the 200-, 300-, or 400-level, to reach 30 major credit hours.

  • BIOLOGY 241, BIOLOGY 299, EEB / MCDB 301, EEB / MCDB 302, MCDB 412, MCDB 600, and non-specific (departmental) transfer courses are EXCLUDED.
  • A maximum of two approved cognate courses may be used as additional courses: ANTHRBIO 365, 368, ANTHRBIO / ENVIRON 461; BIOLCHEM 650; BIOMEDE 231; CHEM 230 and above; CLIMATE / EARTH / SPACE 320; CMPLXSYS 501, 530; EARTH 418, 436, 437; EARTH / ENVIRON 450, 453; ENVIRON 310, 317; EPID 543, 560; HUMGEN 541; MATH 200 and above; MICRBIOL / IMMUN 440; MICRBIOL 405, 415, 430, 460; PHRMACOL 310, 425; PHYSICS / BIOPHYS 290* (only if not used as a prerequisite); PSYCH 337, 338; STATS 401, 412, 425.


  • Prerequisites, introductory science courses, and non-specific (departmental) transfer courses are EXCLUDED from the 30 cr. required for the major.
  • A maximum of three credits of independent research (BIOLOGY 200, EEB/MCDB 300 or 400 or MCDB 360, 361, or 461 if elected FA19 or later) may be counted toward the major.


Distribution Policy

No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the BIOLOGY, EEB, MCDB, and MICRBIOL subject areas may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.


The Program in Biology administers an Honors major to train students to conduct independent research in the biological sciences.  Participating in the Honors major allows students to develop their research skills, deepen their understanding of the field, and form productive relationships with faculty and other students. The achievement is noted on the diploma and official transcript.

In addition to completing all the requirements for the major, an honors degree requires:

  1. an overall and major GPA of at least 3.4, and
  2. the completion of a significant piece of independent research that is
    1. reported in an honors thesis and
    2. presented in a public forum.

For more information, consult the Program in Biology Honors Information page or a Program in Biology advisor.

Biology (Major) (Fall 2018)

Effective Fall 2018


Students who elect a major in Biology may not elect the following majors: Biology, Health, and Society (formerly known as General Biology); Cellular and Molecular Biology; CMB:BME, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity, Microbiology; Plant Biology; Biochemistry; Biomolecular Science; or Neuroscience. They may also not elect a minor in Biology; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Plant Biology; Chemistry; or Biochemistry.


Students are advised by a combination of Undergraduate Biology Office staff and faculty department advisors. Advising topics include investigating majors, declaring a major, course planning, research and honors, major releases, graduate school and career advice. Students who are interested in the Program in Biology majors or minors should consult a general advisor during the freshman year, and are strongly encouraged to meet with a department advisor early in their academic career, but no later than the second term of their sophomore year. It is not necessary to complete every prerequisite before declaring a major.

To make an appointment, go to the Program in Biology website at

Grade Policies

Total Credits and GPA Requirement for Biology:

Minimum 30 cr. in the Major.

Minimum 2.0 GPA in the Major.

GPA is calculated from all mandatory prerequisites, all courses used for major requirements (including cognates) and all courses in BIOLOGY, EEB, and MCDB.

The introductory biology sequence must be taken for a grade.  Prerequisites other than introductory biology may be taken pass/fail; however, it is not recommended, especially for chemistry. Remember that at least a C- must be earned to pass a course taken pass/fail. 

Courses used for the major may not be taken pass/fail.


Introductory Biology Sequence:
Choose A, B, or C:

    1. BIOLOGY 171, BIOLOGY 172 or 174, & BIOLOGY 173; or
    2. BIOLOGY 195 (AP/IB) & BIOLOGY 173; or
    3. BIOLOGY 191 (transfer credit), BIOLOGY 192, & BIOLOGY 173

Chemistry Sequence:

  • CHEM 210 & 211; and,
  • CHEM 215 & 216

Quantitative Analysis Sequence:

  • CALCULUS I: MATH 115, 120 (AP), 175, 185, or 295; and,
  • One course from MATH 116, 121 (AP), 156, 176, 186, or 296; STATS 180 (AP), 206 (only if elected F20 or later), 250 or 280; STATS 400-level or above (min. 3 credits); BIOLOGY 202; BIOPHYS / PHYSICS 290; EECS 183, 203 or 280; EARTH 468; or other course with a MATH 115 prereq. chosen in consultation with a major advisor. [Note: Any course used to fulfill this requirement cannot also be used as a major elective; i.e., a course cannot "double-count."]

Physics Sequence:

  • Physics I (lecture & lab): One of the following combinations: PHYSICS 125 & 127, 135 & 136, 140 & 141, 150 & 151 (only if elected FA21 or later) or 160 & 161.  PHYSICS 139 (AP) will also fulfill this requirement.
  • Physics II (lecture & lab): One of the following combinations: PHYSICS 126 & 128, 235 & 236, 240 & 241, 250 & 251 (only if elected FA21 or later); or 260 & 261.  PHYSICS 239 (AP) will also fulfill this requirement.


Minimum Credits: 30

Biology Group Options

(Courses with an asterisk (*) may overlap with the lab requirement):

Choose from one Group I and one from Group II:

  • Group I - MCDB Elective: Choose 1 from: BIOLOGY 205, BIOLOGY 207*, BIOLOGY 222, BIOLOGY 225, or BIOLOGY 230*; BIOLOGY 272; and,
  • Group II - EEB Elective: Choose 1 from: BIOLOGY 207*, BIOLOGY 230*, BIOLOGY 252*, BIOLOGY 255*, BIOLOGY 256, BIOLOGY 281, BIOLOGY 288*, or EEB 381*

Required Courses
(Courses with an asterisk (*) may overlap with the lab requirement):

  • Genetics: BIOLOGY 305
  • Biochemistry: Choose from: MCDB 310, BIOLCHEM 415, or CHEM 351
  • Evolution: EEB 390, 391, or 392*

Upper-Level Elective
(May overlap with the lab requirement):

Choose one course in EEB or MCDB at the 300- or 400- level

  • EEB / MCDB 301, EEB/MCDB 302, EEB/MCDB 399, EEB/MCDB 499, MCDB 412,  MCDB 461 (only if elected WN21 or later) and a non-specific (departmental) transfer courses are EXCLUDED.
  • EEB / MCDB 300 or 400 (Independent Research), elected for a minimum of 3 credits in a single term, may be used to fulfill this requirement. (3 credit max. applies; see CONSTRAINTS below.)

Lab Courses for Biology
(This requirement may OVERLAP with other major reqs.):

3 courses with labs are required.  Choose from BIOLOGY 207, 226, 230, 252, 255, 288; EEB 300*, 313, 320, 321, 330, 341, 348, 372, 381, 391, 392, 400*, 405, 416, 431, 433, 436, 441, 443, 450, 451, 453, 455, 457, 459, 463, 468, 477, 482, 483, 486, 489, 493, 556; MCDB 300*, 306, 308, 400*, 413 (only through Fall 2018), 416, 419, 423, 424, 429.
*EEB / MCDB 300 or 400 (Independent Research), elected for a minimum of 3 credits in a single term, may be used to fulfill a lab requirement. (3 credit max. applies; see CONSTRAINTS below.)

Additional Course(s):
Choose additional BIOLOGY, EEB, and MCDB courses at the 200- level and above, to reach 30 major credit hours.

  • BIOLOGY 241, BIOLOGY 299 (only if elected after Winter 2019),  EEB / MCDB 301, EEB / MCDB 302, EEB / MCDB 800, MCDB 412, and non-specific (departmental) transfer courses are EXCLUDED.
  • A maximum of two approved cognate courses may be used as additional courses: ANTHRBIO 365, 368, ANTHRBIO / ENVIRON 461; BIOLCHEM 650; BIOMEDE 231; CHEM 230 and above; CLIMATE / EARTH / SPACE 320; CMPLXSYS 501, 530; EARTH 418, 436, 437; EARTH / ENVIRON 450, 453; ENVIRON 310, 317; EPID 543, 560; HUMGEN 541; MATH 200 and above; MICRBIOL / IMMUN 440; MICRBIOL 405, 415, 430, 460; PHRMACOL 310, 425; PHYSICS / BIOPHYS 290* (only if not used as a prerequisite); PSYCH 337, 338; STATS 401, 412, 425.


  • Prerequisites, introductory science courses, and non-specific (departmental) transfer courses are EXCLUDED from the 30 cr. required for the major.
  • A maximum of three credits of independent research (BIOLOGY 200, EEB/MCDB 300 or 400 or MCDB 360, 361, or 461 if elected FA19 or later) may be counted toward the major.


Distribution Policy

No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the BIOLOGY, EEB, MCDB, and MICRBIOL subject areas may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.


The Program in Biology administers an Honors major to train students to conduct independent research in the biological sciences.  Participating in the Honors major allows students to develop their research skills, deepen their understanding of the field, and form productive relationships with faculty and other students.  The achievement is noted on the diploma and official transcript.

In addition to completing all the requirements for the major, an honors degree requires:

  1. a major GPA of at least 3.4, and
  2. the completion of a significant piece of independent research that is
    1. reported in an honors thesis and
    2. presented in a public forum.

For more information, consult the Program in Biology Honors Information page or a Program in Biology advisor.

Biology (Major) (Winter 2017 - Summer 2018)

Effective Winter 2017


Students who elect a major in Biology may not elect the following majors: Biology, Health, and Society (formerly known as General Biology); Cellular and Molecular Biology; CMB:BME, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity, Microbiology; Plant Biology; Biochemistry; Biomolecular Science; or Neuroscience. They may also not elect a minor in Biology; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Plant Biology; Chemistry; or Biochemistry.


Students are advised by a combination of Undergraduate Biology Office staff and faculty department advisors. Advising topics include investigating majors, declaring a major, course planning, research and honors, major releases, graduate school and career advice. Students who are interested in the Program in Biology majors or minors should consult a general advisor during the freshman year, and are strongly encouraged to meet with a department advisor early in their academic career, but no later than the second term of their sophomore year. It is not necessary to complete every prerequisite before declaring a major.

To make an appointment, go to the Program in Biology website at

Grade Policies

Total Credits and GPA Requirement for Biology:

Minimum 30 cr. in the Major.

Minimum 2.0 GPA in the Major.

GPA is calculated from all mandatory prerequisites, all courses used for major requirements (including cognates) and all courses in BIOLOGY, EEB, and MCDB.

The introductory biology sequence must be taken for a grade.  Prerequisites other than introductory biology may be taken pass/fail; however, it is not recommended, especially for chemistry. Remember that at least a C- must be earned to pass a course taken pass/fail. 

Courses used for the major may not be taken pass/fail.


Introductory Biology Sequence:
Choose A or B:

    1. BIOLOGY 171, 172 or 174, & 173; or,
    2. BIOLOGY 195 (AP) & 173

Chemistry Sequence:

  • CHEM 210 & 211; and,
  • CHEM 215 & 216

Quantitative Analysis Sequence:

  • CALCULUS I: MATH 115, 120 (AP), 175, 185, or 295; and,
  • One course from MATH 116, 121 (AP), 156, 176, 186, or 296; STATS 180, 206 (only if elected F20 or later),250 or 280; STATS 400-level or above (min. 3 credits); BIOLOGY 202; BIOPHYS/PHYSICS 290; EECS 183 (W18), 203 or 280; EARTH 468; or other course with a MATH 115 prereq. chosen in consultation with a major advisor. [Note: Any course used to fulfill this requirement cannot also be used as a major elective; i.e., a course cannot "double-count."]

Physics Sequence:

  • Physics I (lecture & lab): One of the following combinations: PHYSICS 125 & 127, 135 & 136, 140 & 141, 150 & 151 (only if elected FA21 or later); or 160 & 161.  PHYSICS 139 (AP) will also fulfill this requirement.
  • Physics II (lecture & lab): One of the following combinations: PHYSICS 126 & 128, 235 & 236, 240 & 241, 250 & 251 (only if elected FA21 or later); or 260 & 261.  PHYSICS 239 (AP) will also fulfill this requirement.


Minimum Credits: 30

Biology Group Options

(Courses with an asterisk (*) may overlap with the lab requirement):

Choose from one Group I and one from Group II:

  • Group I - MCDB Elective: Choose 1 from: BIOLOGY 205, BIOLOGY 207*, BIOLOGY 222, BIOLOGY 225, or BIOLOGY 230*; BIOLOGY 272; and,
  • Group II - EEB Elective: Choose 1 from: BIOLOGY 207, BIOLOGY 230*, BIOLOGY 252*, BIOLOGY 255*, BIOLOGY 256, BIOLOGY 281, BIOLOGY 288*, or EEB 381*

Required Courses
(Courses with an asterisk (*) may overlap with the lab requirement):

  • Genetics: BIOLOGY 305
  • Biochemistry: Choose from: MCDB 310, BIOLCHEM 415, or CHEM 351
  • Evolution: EEB 390, 391, or 392*

Upper-Level Elective
(May overlap with the lab requirement):

Choose one course in EEB or MCDB at the 300- or 400- level

  • EEB/MCDB 301, EEB/MCDB 302, EEB/MCDB 399, EEB/MCDB 499, MCDB 412, MCDB 461 (only if elected WN21 or later) and a non-specific (departmental) transfer courses are EXCLUDED.
  • EEB/MCDB 300 or 400 (Independent Research), elected for a minimum of 3 credits in a single term, may be used to fulfill this requirement. (3 credit max. applies; see CONSTRAINTS below.)

Lab Courses for Biology
(This requirement may OVERLAP with other major reqs.):

3 courses with labs are required.  Choose from BIOLOGY 207, 226, 230, 252, 255, 288; EEB 300*, 313, 320, 321, 330, 341, 348, 372, 381, 392, 400*, 405, 416, 431, 433, 436, 441, 442 (only through SU17), 443, 450, 451, 453, 455, 457, 459, 463, 468, 477, 482, 483, 486, 489, 493, 556; MCDB 300*, 306, 308, 400*, 413 (only through Fall 2018), 416, 419, 423, 424, 429.
*EEB/MCDB 300 or 400 (Independent Research), elected for a minimum of 3 credits in a single term, may be used to fulfill a lab requirement. (3 credit max. applies; see CONSTRAINTS below.)

Additional Course(s):
Choose additional BIOLOGY, EEB, and MCDB courses at the 200- level and above, to reach 30 major credit hours.

  • BIOLOGY 241, BIOLOGY 262, BIOLOGY 299 (only if elected after Winter 2019), EEB/MCDB 301, EEB/MCDB 302, EEB/MCDB 800, MCDB 412, and non-specific (departmental) transfer courses are EXCLUDED.
  • A maximum of two approved cognate courses may be used as additional courses: ANTHRBIO 365, 368; BIOLCHEM 650; BIOMEDE 231; CHEM 230 and above; CMPLXSYS 501, 530; EARTH 418, 436, 437; EARTH/ENVIRON 450; EARTH/CLIMATE/SPACE 320; ENVIRON 310, 317, 453; ENVIRON/ANTHRBIO 461; EPID 543, 560; HUMGEN 541; MATH 200 and above; MICRBIOL/IMMUN 440; MICRBIOL 405, 415, 430, 460; PHARMACOL 425; PHYSICS as approved; PHYSICS/BIOPHYS 290* (only if not used as a prerequisite); PSYCH 332, 337, 338, 530; STATS 400, 401, 412; STATS/MATH 425.


  • Prerequisites, introductory science courses, and non-specific (departmental) transfer courses are EXCLUDED from the 30 cr. required for the major.
  • A maximum of three credits of independent research (BIOLOGY 200, EEB/MCDB 300 or 400 or MCDB 360, 361, or 461 if elected FA19 or later) may be counted toward the major.


Distribution Policy

No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the BIOLOGY, EEB, MCDB, and MICRBIOL subject areas may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.


The Program in Biology administers an Honors major to train students to conduct independent research in the biological sciences.  Participating in the Honors major allows students to develop their research skills, deepen their understanding of the field, and form productive relationships with faculty and other students.  The achievement is noted on the diploma and official transcript.

In addition to completing all the requirements for the major, an honors degree requires:

  1. a major GPA of at least 3.4, and
  2. the completion of a significant piece of independent research that is
    1. reported in an honors thesis and
    2. presented in a public forum.

For more information, consult the Program in Biology Honors Information page or a Program in Biology advisor.

Biology (Major) (Fall 2015 - Fall 2016)

Effective Fall 2015


Students who elect a major in Biology may not elect the following majors: General Biology; Cellular and Molecular Biology; CMB:BME, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity, Microbiology; Plant Biology; Biochemistry; Biomolecular Science; or Neuroscience. They may also not elect a minor in Biology; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Plant Biology; Chemistry; or Biochemistry.


Students are advised by a combination of Undergraduate Biology Office staff and faculty department advisors. Advising topics include investigating majors, declaring a major, course planning, research and honors, major releases, graduate school and career advice. Students who are interested in the Program in Biology majors or minors should consult a general advisor during the freshman year, and are strongly encouraged to meet with a department advisor early in their academic career, but no later than the second term of their sophomore year. It is not necessary to complete every prerequisite before declaring a major.

To make an appointment, go to the Program in Biology website at

Grade Policies

Total Credits and GPA Requirement for Biology:

Minimum 30 cr. in the Major.

Minimum 2.0 GPA in the Major.

GPA is calculated from all mandatory prerequisites, all courses used for major requirements (including cognates) and all courses in BIOLOGY, EEB, and MCDB.


Introductory Biology Sequence:
Choose A or B:

    1. BIOLOGY 171, 172 or 174, & 173; or,
    2. BIOLOGY 195 (AP) & 173

Chemistry Sequence:

  • CHEM 210 & 211; and,
  • CHEM 215 & 216

Quantitative Analysis Sequence:

  • CALCULUS I: MATH 115, 120 (AP), 175, 185, or 295; and,
  • One course from MATH 116, 121 (AP), 156, 176, 186, or 296; STATS 180, 206 (only if elected F20 or later),250 or 280; STATS 400-level or above (min. 3 credits); BIOLOGY 202; BIOPHYS/PHYSICS 290; EECS 203 or 280; EARTH 468; or other course with a MATH 115 prereq. chosen in consultation with a major advisor. [Note: Any course used to fulfill this requirement cannot also be used as a major elective; i.e., a course cannot "double-count."]

Physics Sequence:

  • Physics I (lecture & lab): One of the following combinations: PHYSICS 125 & 127, 135 & 136, 140 & 141, or 160 & 161.  PHYSICS 139 (AP) will also fulfill this requirement.
  • Physics II (lecture & lab): One of the following combinations: PHYSICS 126 & 128, 235 & 236, 240 & 241, or 260 & 261.  PHYSICS 239 (AP) will also fulfill this requirement.


Minimum Credits: 30

Biology Group Options

(Courses with an asterisk (*) may overlap with the lab requirement):

Choose from one Group I and one from Group II:

  • Group I - MCDB Elective: Choose 1 from: BIOLOGY 205, BIOLOGY 207*, BIOLOGY 222, BIOLOGY 225, or BIOLOGY 230*; and,
  • Group II - EEB Elective: Choose 1 from: BIOLOGY 230*, BIOLOGY 252*, BIOLOGY 255*, BIOLOGY 256, BIOLOGY 281, BIOLOGY 288*, or EEB 381*

Required Courses
(Courses with an asterisk (*) may overlap with the lab requirement):

  • Genetics: BIOLOGY 305
  • Biochemistry: Choose from: MCDB 310, BIOLCHEM 415, or CHEM 351
  • Evolution: EEB 390, 391, or 392*

Upper-Level Elective
(May overlap with the lab requirement):

Choose one course in EEB or MCDB at the 300- or 400- level

  • EEB/MCDB 301, EEB/MCDB 302, EEB/MCDB 399, EEB/MCDB 499, MCDB 412, MCDB 461 (only if elected WN21 or later) and a non-specific (departmental) transfer courses are EXCLUDED.
  • EEB/MCDB 300 or 400 (Independent Research), elected for a minimum of 3 credits in a single term, may be used to fulfill this requirement. (3 credit max. applies; see CONSTRAINTS below.)

Lab Courses for Biology
(This requirement may OVERLAP with other major reqs.):

3 courses with labs are required.  Choose from BIOLOGY 207, 226, 230, 252, 255, 288; EEB 300*, 313, 320, 321, 330, 341, 348, 372, 381, 392, 400*, 405, 416, 431, 433, 436, 441, 442, 443, 450, 451, 453, 455, 457, 459, 463, 468, 477, 482, 483, 486, 489, 493, 556; MCDB 300*, 306, 308, 400*, 413 (only through Fall 2018), 416, 419, 423, 424, 429.
*EEB/MCDB 300 or 400 (Independent Research), elected for a minimum of 3 credits in a single term, may be used to fulfill a lab requirement. (3 credit max. applies; see CONSTRAINTS below.)

Additional Course(s):
Choose additional BIOLOGY, EEB, and MCDB courses at the 200- level and above, to reach 30 major credit hours.

  • BIOLOGY 241, BIOLOGY 262, BIOLOGY 299 (only if elected after Winter 2019), EEB/MCDB 301, EEB/MCDB 302, EEB/MCDB 800, MCDB 412, and non-specific (departmental) transfer courses are EXCLUDED.
  • A maximum of two approved cognate courses may be used as additional courses: ANTHRBIO 365, 368; ANTHRBIO/ENVIRON 461; BIOLCHEM 650; BIOMEDE 231; CHEM 230 and above; CLIMATE/EARTH/SPACE 320; CMPLXSYS 501, 530; EARTH 418, 436, 437; EARTH/ENVIRON 450, 453; ENVIRON 310, 317; EPID 543, 560; HUMGEN 541; MATH 200 and above; MICRBIOL/IMMUN 440; MICRBIOL 405, 415, 430, 460; PHARMACOL 425; PHYSICS/BIOPHYS 290; PHYSICS as approved; PSYCH 337, 338; STATS 401, 412, 425.


  • Prerequisites, introductory science courses, and non-specific (departmental) transfer courses are EXCLUDED from the 30 cr. required for the major.
  • A maximum of three credits of independent research (BIOLOGY 200, EEB/MCDB 300 or 400 or MCDB 360, 361, or 461 if elected FA19 or later) may be counted toward the major.

Distribution Policy

No course used to fulfill a major requirement may be used toward the LSA Distribution Requirement. In addition, courses in the BIOLOGY, EEB, MCDB, and MICRBIOL subject areas may not be used toward the Distribution Requirement.


The Program in Biology administers an Honors Program to train students to conduct independent research in the biological sciences.  Participating in the honors program allows students to develop their research skills, deepen their understanding of the field, and form productive relationships with faculty and other students.  The achievement is noted on the diploma and official transcript.

In addition to completing all the requirements for the major, an honors degree requires:

  1. a major GPA of at least 3.4, and
  2. the completion of a significant piece of independent research that is
  3. reported in an honors thesis and
  4. presented in a public forum.

For more information, consult the Program in Biology Honors Program Information page or a Program in Biology advisor.