Effective Fall 2016
The designated Director of Arab American Studies will be responsible for advising most students with the assistance of the American Culture Undergraduate Program Coordinator and Ethnic Studies Associate. Both the Associate Chair and the Chair will provide back-up advising.
Students interested in pursuing a course of study in the field should contact American Culture's designated advisor. Appointments are schedule online at http://lsa.umich.edu/ac/undergraduates/advising.html
At least one course must be at the 300- or 400-level, and at least three courses must be taken in American Culture (AMCULT) or Arab American Studies (ARABAM).
- Survey courses: Any 200-level ARABAM course.
- Electives. At least two additional courses (6 credits) offered by American Culture/Arab American Studies providing interdisciplinary study of Arab and/or Muslim American histories, literatures, and cultures, chosen from the list below or selected in consultation with and approved by the Arab and Muslim American Studies minor advisor:
- AMCULT 311: Topics in Ethnic Studies, section titled “Camels, Kabobs and Kahlil: Arab American Cultural Studies”
- AMCULT 498: Capstone Seminar in American Culture, section titled “Why Do They Hate Us: Perspectives on 9/11”
- ARABAM 236 / AMCULT 236: Muslims in America
- ARABAM / AMCULT 248: Arab America: Art, Cultural Politics, and Activism
- ARABAM 290 / AMCULT 290: Arab American Literature
- ARABAM 311: Arab American Studies and the Humanities, section titled “Camels, Kabobs and Kahlil: Arab American Cultural Studies”
- ARABAM / AMCULT 330: Camels, Kabobs, and Kahlil Gibran: Arab American Cultural Studies
- ARABAM 390 / AMCULT 390: Internship in Arab and Muslim American Studies
- ARABAM 498: Capstone Seminar in Arab American Studies, section titled “Why Do They Hate Us: Perspectives on 9/11”
- Electives. Two additional courses (6 credits) in American Culture/Arab American Studies, or in another department. These electives may be chosen from the list below or selected in consultation with and approved by an American Culture advisor.
Courses in other departments providing comparative, transnational, or broader perspectives on Arab and Muslim Americans.
- ANTHRCUL 409: Peoples and Cultures of the Near East and North Africa
- ASIAN 324 / HISTORY 325 / MIDEAST 375 / MEMS 325 / RELIGION 325: The History of Islam in South Asia
- ENGLISH 280: Introduction to Digital Cultures, section titled “Writing Islam”
- ENGLISH 317: Literature and Culture, section titled “Arab American Literature”
- HISTART 285 / MIDEAST 285: Visual Culture Islam
- HISTORY 241: America and Middle Eastern Wars
- HISTORY 243 / MENAS 243: Islamic World History
- HISTORY 324: Muslims in Contemporary Europe
- HISTORY 325 / MIDEAST 375 / ASIAN 324 / MEMS 325 / RELIGION 325: The History of Islam in South Asia
- HISTORY 443 / MIDEAST 487: Modern Middle East History
- HISTORY 449: Topics in Middle Eastern History
- MEMS 325 / HISTORY 325 / MIDEAST 375 / ASIAN 324 / RELIGION 325: The History of Islam in South Asia
- MENAS 243 / HISTORY 243: Islamic World History
- MENAS 493 / MIDEAST 483: Comparative Perspectives of the Middle East and North Africa
- MIDEAST 200: Introduction to the Middle East
- MIDEAST 285 / HISTART 285: Visual Culture Islam
- MIDEAST 322 / RELIGION 363: The Qur'an and Its Interpretations
- MIDEAST 323: The Prophet Muhammad in Islam
- MIDEAST 325: Introduction to Arab Literature in Translation
- MIDEAST 326: The Arab-Israeli Conflict in Middle Eastern Literature
- MIDEAST 375 / HISTORY 325 / ASIAN 324 / MEMS 325 / RELIGION 325: The History of Islam in South Asia
- MIDEAST 429: Topics in Modern Arabic Literature in Translation
- MIDEAST 487 / HISTORY 443: Modern Middle East History
- MIDEAST 483 / MENAS 493: Comparative Perspectives of the Middle East and North Africa
- REEES 490 / SOC 490 / WOMENSTD 492: Women and Islam: A Sociological Perspective
- RELIGION 325 / HISTORY 325 / MIDEAST 375 / ASIAN 324 / MEMS 325: The History of Islam in South Asia
- RELIGION 363 / MIDEAST 322: The Qur'an and Its Interpretations
- SOC 218 / UC 218: Foundations of Intergroup Relations
- SOC 490 / REEES 490 / WOMENSTD 492: Women and Islam: A Sociological Perspective
- UC 218 / SOC 218: Foundations of Intergroup Relations
- WGS 492 (WOMENSTD 492) / SOC 490 / REEES 490: Women and Islam: A Sociological Perspective
- Another course with significant Arab or Muslim content from another department, contingent on approval from an Arab and Muslim American Studies minor advisor.
One 300- or 400-level Arabic language courses or other relevant language can be applied toward the minor with the consent of the AMAS advisor (no more than three credits can be applied toward the minor)