Thursday, October 27, 2022
Once a curriculum is in place it is difficult to radically change it. There is a certain inertia to these educational “spaces of enclosure.” (Edwards & Usher, 2008). Curricula often enshrine educational philosophies, methodologies, and approaches for decades. What if you can design a completely new curriculum? The two panelists will describe and discuss exactly such a process, its practical implications, the resistance encountered, and the benefits gained.
About the discussant:
Dr. Felix Kronenberg is the Director of the Center for Language Teaching Advancement (CeLTA) and an Associate Professor of German in the Department of Linguistics, Languages, and Cultures at Michigan State University. Dr. Kronenberg is also the PI and founding Director of the National Less Commonly Taught Languages Resource Center (NLRC). The center is funded by a Title VI Grant by the U.S. Department of Education. Dr. Kronenberg’s research interests include language education, program administration, learning space design, sociomateriality, innovation in language education, and technology. Currently he is finishing a monograph on language learning spaces under contract with Bloomsbury Academic. Dr. Kronenberg served as past-president of the International Association for Language Learning Technology (IALLT), as president of the South West Association for Language Learning Technology (SWALLT), as a fellow for the National Institute for Technology in Liberal Education, and as a consultant to more than a dozen language departments and language centers. He is Co-Principal Investigator on the 2.5 million Andrew W. Mellon Foundation LCTL and Indigenous Languages Partnership grant.
Dr. Wonneken Wanske is a Techno-Pedagogical Counselor at Cégep Heritage College in Canada. She co-directs Heritage’s teaching and learning center and coordinates the college’s study abroad program. She is a co-organizer for the Cégep network’s annual Quebec-wide Intercollegiate Ped Days (IPD) Event. Dr. Wanske is also a part-time Professor of German at the University of Ottawa. In her various roles in academia in both the US and Canada, ranging from professor to instructional designer to language center director, she has played an integral part in multiple program, curriculum, and center (re-)design processes.