See here for a quick guide to the reimbursement process.
If the expense involves paying people for services (e.g., subjects who participate in your experiments, transcribers, proofreaders, etc.), you must work with the Chief Administrator ([email protected]) to plan the payment before making the payment. DO NOT submit expenses for reimbursement using the processes below (students will use HSIP or other process, depending on the service provided).
How you can be reimbursed differs, based on whether or not you are a current university employee (and thus, have access to Concur). Most first-year students are not yet considered employees, and after a certain period on fellowship, students who once had been considered employees no longer are (thus losing Concur access).
If you aren’t sure which group you’re in, you can go to Wolverine Access/Faculty and Staff, and under the header for “University Business,” click the link labeled “Travel & Expense (Concur).” If you do not have access, you will receive a message telling you that.
For Non-employees (no access to Concur)
Send a message to the Graduate Coordinator to find out the appropriate shortcode.
Send an email message to [email protected], cc-ing [email protected], with the following information:
First and last name
Local home address
Business Purpose (i.e., what the expense is for; please see below under “Business Purposes” header for what information is required here)
Payment preference (i.e., do you want a paper check mailed to your home address? Electronic deposit?)
Attach all of your receipts (electronic versions, including scanned copies or legible, high quality pictures of receipts that include all receipt information). These must reflect the payment of the product or service, we cannot accept reservation confirmation as a form of receipt.
For Employees (e.g., GSIs, GSRAs) with access to Concur
Students should submit expenses to the Shared Services Office, which prepares your expense report for you.
Send a message to the graduate coordinator to find out the appropriate shortcode.
Submit the eForm with the following information:
Attach all of your receipts (electronic versions, including scanned copies or legible, high quality pictures of receipts that include all receipt information). These must reflect the payment of the product or service, we cannot accept reservation confirmation as a form of receipt.
Business Purpose Details
Business purposes vary in the type of information required for processing. Please see the following business purpose options and the details you should include with each:
Conference travel: List the name of the conference and whether or not you were presenting at it
Hosting: List the names of all of the people for whom you paid and are asking for reimbursement, as well as their affiliation (e.g., U-M student, recruit, guest). Department funds cannot be used to pay for non-department attendees (e.g., partners of students or faculty), and graduate funding cannot be used to purchase alcohol.
Recruitment: If you are submitting non-hosting expenses related to graduate recruitment (e.g., parking), you must provide the name of the recruit benefitting from the expense.
If you have approved expenses, when should you submit your reimbursement paperwork?
The deadline for submitting reimbursements is 45 days after you’ve incurred the expense, with one major exception: if you’ve bought a ticket for airfare, you may either submit that right after purchase (i.e., if you would like to receive the reimbursement as soon as possible) or wait until after the date of travel if you would like to submit all related expenses together.