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Saturday Sampler Tour | No Gouging, No Biting: The First Olympics

Pat Pancioli
Saturday, June 22, 2024
2:00-3:00 PM
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Map
The 2024 Summer Olympics will kick off soon in Paris, where an anticipated 15 million spectators and 10,000 athletes from the world over will gather. How are these modern games like the first Olympiad in 776 BCE? What was the purpose of the Olympics in the ancient Greek world? Who attended, and where did they come from? Did women participate? And which competition forbade only eye-gouging and biting? Kelsey Museum artifacts provide some answers to our burning-torch questions.

This event is free and open to all visitors. If you have any questions or concerns regarding accessing this event, please visit our accessibility page at or contact the education office by calling (734) 647-4167. We ask for advance notice as some accommodations may require more time for the university to arrange.
Building: Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
Event Type: Tours
Tags: Ancient Greece, Archaeology, Free, Museum, Tour
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Kelsey Museum of Archaeology, Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Tours, Archaeology at Michigan