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Walter Cohen
3187 Angell, 1003 734.764.6330
Zvi Gitelman
Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Judaic Studies
7759 Haven, 1045 734.763.4393
Mikhail Krutikov
Preston R. Tisch Professor of Judaic Studies
3040 MLB, 1275 734.647.2136
Julian Levinson
Associate Director, Frankel Center for Judaic Studies; Samuel Shetzer Professor of American Jewish Studies
3144 Angell, 1003
734.764.2276 / 734.615.8510
Gabriel Mordoch
Irving M. Hermelin Curator of Judaica, Ladino Lecturer
111-D Hatcher Graduate Library 734-936-2367
Anita Norich
Tikva Frymer-Kensky Collegiate Professor Emerita of English Language and Literature, Professor Emerita of English Language and Literature, Professor Emerita of Judaic Studies
3074 Tisch, 1003 734.764.6341
Adi Raz
Lecturer-Modern Hebrew Language; Coordinator of the Modern Hebrew Language Program
4022 Thayer, 1608 734.764.1439
Ryan Szpiech
Associate Professor
4140 MLB, 1275 734.647.2334
Ruth Tsoffar
2233 Lane, 1290 734.936.5766