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Michele Fleming
Executive Assistant
2111 Thayer, 1608 734.763.9047
Caitlyn Gordon
Communications and Events Coordinator
2135 Thayer, 1608 734.615.8503
Julian Levinson
Associate Director, Frankel Center for Judaic Studies; Samuel Shetzer Professor of American Jewish Studies
3144 Angell, 1003
734.764.2276 / 734.615.8510
Kristina Riemer
Student Services Coordinator
2115 Thayer, 1608 734.615.6097
Anne Speigle
Research Administrator Associate
1044 East Hall 734.647.0306
Cheri Thompson
Chief Administrator
2131 Thayer, 1608 734.615.6093
Shana Wright
Financial Specialist
6525 Haven Business Office 1045 734.647.5950