2017 | ||
Amir Syed | "Al-ḤājjʿUmar Tāl and the Realm of the Written: Mastery, Mobility and Islamic Authority in 19th Century West Africa" (Rudolph(Butch) Ware, chair). Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pittsburgh |
Tasha Rijke-Epstein | "Architectures of Belonging: Moral Economies of Urban Place-Making in Mahajanga, Madagascar" (Gabrielle Hecht, Gillian Felley-Harnik, co-chairs). Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University |
2016 | ||
Shana Melnysyn | "Vagabonds, Carriers, Spirits, and Chiefs: Conflict and Mediation in Portuguese Angola, 1880-1910" (Nancy Rose Hunt, chair). Grants Officer, University of California Humanities Research Institute, Orange County |
Robyn d'Avignon | "Making Artisanal Miners: Nature, Knowledge, and Subterranean History in Senegal" (Gabrielle Hecht, chair). Assistant Professor, New York University |
Joseph Viscomi | "Out of Time: History, Presence, and the Departure of the Italians of Egypt, 1933-Present" (Dario Gaggio, Andrew Shryock, co-chairs). Faculty Fellow, Ctr for European and Mediterranean Studies, New York University |
Luciana Aenasoaie | "Weaving and Unraveling the Factory Town: Social Alterations and European Belonging in the Aftermath of Romanian Industrial Collapse, 1950-2015" (Alaina Lemon, chair). Assistant Director, UROP, University of Michigan |
Ismail Alatas | "Aligning the Sunna and the Jama'a: Religious Authority and Islamic Social Formation in Contemporary Central Java, Indonesia" (Webb Keane, chair). Assistant Professor, New York University |
Adriana Chira |
"The Uneasy Intimacies: Race, Family, and Property in Santiago de Cuba, 1803-1868" (Rebecca Scott, Jesse Hoffnung-Garskof, co-chairs). Assistant Professor, Emory University |
Joshua Coene | "The Contentious Prison: From Rehabilitation to Incapacitation in New South Wales and Pennsylvania, 1965-1990" (Matthew Lassiter, chair). |
Edgar Taylor | "Asians and Africans in Ugandan Urban Life, 1959-1972" (Derek Peterson, chair). Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Witwatersrand |
2015 | ||
Davide Orsini | "Life in the Nuclear Archipelago: Cold War Technopolitics and US Nuclear Submarines in Italy" (Gabrielle Hecht, Stuart Kirsch, co-chairs). Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University |
Bertrand Metton | "From the Popular Front to the Eastern Front: Youth Movements, Travel, and Fascism in France (1930-1945)" (Ronald Suny, chair). Lecturer, City University of New York-Queens |
Ali Sipahi | "At Arm’s Length: Historical Ethnography of Proximity in Harput" (Andrew Shryock, chair). Assistant Professor, Ozyegin University |
Andrea Grace Wright | "Migratory Pipelines: Labor and Oil in the Arabian Sea" (Matthew Hull, Farina Mir, co-chairs). Assistant Professor, College of William and Mary |
Christopher Estrada | "Caboclos of Nazareth: Improvisation and Renovation in Maracatu de Baque Solto of Pernambuco" (Sueann Caulfield, Stuart Kirsch, co-chairs). Visiting Research Associate, King's College London |
2013 |
Daniel Birchok |
"Sojourning on Mecca’s Porch: Place, Temporality and Islamic Practice in an Indonesian Province" (Webb Keane, chair). Assistant Professor, University of Michigan-Flint |
Federico Helfgott |
"Transformations in Labor, Land and Community: Mining and Society in Pasco, Peru, 20th Century to the Present" (Stuart Kirsch and Bruce Mannheim, co-chairs). Lecturer, National University of San Marcos |
Purvi Mehta |
"Recasting Caste: Histories of Dalit Transnationalism and the Interationalization of Caste Discrimination" (Farina Mir, chair). Assistant Professor, Colorado College |
Esteban Rozo Pabon |
"Remaking Indigeneity: Conversion and Colonization in Northwest Amazonia" (Stuart Kirsch, chair). Professor Principal, Universidad del Rosario |
Ian Stewart |
"The Tenacity of Bondage: An Anthropological History of Slavery and Unfree Labor in Sierra Leone" (Paul Johnson and Kelly Askew, co-chairs). | |
2012 | ||
Andrew Conroe |
"Generating History: Violence and the Risks of Remembering for Families of Former Political Prisoners in Post-New Order Indonesia" (E. Webb Keane, chair). Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore |
Dong Ju Kim |
"Taking Better Care of the Fields: Knowledge Politics of Sugar Beet, Soil, and Agriculture after Socialism in Western Poland" (Gillian Feeley-Harnik and Brian A. Porter-Szucs, co-chairs). Assistant Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology |
Stephen Sparks |
"Apartheid Modern: South Africa’s Oil from Coal Project and the History of a Company Town" (Gabrielle Hecht, chair). Lecturer, Department of History, University of Johannesburg |
2011 |
Danna Agmon |
"An Uneasy Alliance: Traders, Missionaries, and Tamil Intermediaties in Eighteenth-Century French India" (Diane Owen Hughes and Sumathi Ramaswamy, co-chairs). Assistant Professor, Department of History, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University |
Janam Mukherjee |
"Hungry Bengal; War, Famine, Riots, and the End of Empire, 1939-1946" (Barbara Metcalf, chair). Assistant Professor, Ryerson University |
2010 |
Heloise Finch-Boyer |
"We could have had a revolution! “Creolizing” French citizenship and social rights in La Reunion, a French Overseas Department 1946-2009" (David W. Cohen, chair). Grants Manager, Leyton UK |
Emanuela Grama |
"Searching for Heritage, Building Politics: Architecture, Archaeology, and Representations of the Past in Romania (1947-2007)" (Gillian Feelely-Harnik & Katherine Verdery, co-chairs). Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon University |
Sergio Huarcaya |
"Othering National Identity Alterity and Indigenous Activism in Otavolo, Ecuador" (Fernando Coronil & Bruce Mannheim, co-chairs). University of the Pacific, Lima Peru |
2009 |
Sonja Luehrmann |
"Forms and Methods: Teaching Atheism and Religion in the Mari Republic, Russian Federation" (Alaina Lemon, chair). Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University |
Monica Patterson |
"Constructions of Childhood in Apartheid's Last Decades" (David W. Cohen, chair). Assistant Professor, Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada |
Robert Chidester |
"Class, Community, and Materiality in a Blue-Collar Baltimore Neighborhood: An Archaeology of Hampden-Woodberry" (Henry Wright, chair). Archaeology Team Leader (Project Manager), Mannik & Smith Group |
Christian Williams |
"Exile History: An Ethnography of the SWAPO Camps and the Namibian Nation" (David W. Cohen, chair). Senior Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of the Free State |
2007 |
Sarah R. Arvey |
"Labyrinths of Love: Sexual Propriety, Family, and Social Reform in the Second Cuban Republic, 1933-1958" (Rebecca Scott, chair). Senior Consultant, Health Management Associates. |
Chandra D. Bhimull |
"Empire in the Air: Speed, Perception, and Airline Travel in the Atlantic World" (Sonya Rose, chair). Associate Professor, Colby College |
Caroline Jeannerat |
"An Ethnography of Faith: Personal Conceptions of Religiosity in the Aouspansberg, South Africa, in the 19th and 20th Centuries" (David W. Cohen, chair). | |
Katrin L. Jellema |
"When You Drink from the Stream, Remember the Soruce: A Moral Geography of Memory in Renovation-Age Vietnam" (Gillian Feeley-Harnik, chair). Director, Graduate School, Marlboro College |
2006 |
Zareena Grewal |
"Imagined Cartographies: Crisis, Displacement, and Islam in America" (Sherman Jackson and Andrew Shryock, co-chairs). Assistant Professor, Yale University |
Edward L. Murphy |
"A Home of One's Own: Finding a Place in the Fractured Landscapes of Urban Chile" (Fernando Coronil, chair). Associate Professor, Michigan State University |
E. Natalie Rothman |
"Between Venice and Istanbul: Trans-Imperial Subjects and Cultural Mediation in the Early Modern Mediterranean" (Diane Owen Hughes, chair). Associate Professor, University of Toronto |
Siew Min Sai |
"Representing the Past of Chinese Language Education: Language, History and Chinese Identities in Indonesia" (E. Webb Keane, chair). | |
Marina E. Welker |
"Global Capitalism and the "Caring Corporation": Copper Mining and Corporate Social Responsibility in Sumbawa, Indonesia" (E. Webb Keane, chair). Associate Professor, Cornell University |
2005 |
Jennifer L. Gaynor |
"Liquid Territory: Subordination, Memory and Manuscripts among Sama People" (Rudolf Mrazek and Ann Stoler, co-chairs). Assistant Professor, University at Buffalo-State Univ of New York |
Stefan Henning |
"Nowhere Beyond Good and Evil: Muslim Activism in China as Ethical Critique, 1929-2001" (Erik Mueggler and Brinkley Messick, co-chairs). Visiting Assistant Professor, Northwestern University |
Eric Andrew Stein |
"Vital Times: Power, Public Health, and Memory in Rural Java" (Nancy Hunt and Ann Stoler, co-chairs). Faculty, Evergreen State College |
2004 |
David E. Pederson |
"American Value: Migrants, Money and Modernity in El Salvador and the United States" (Fernando Coronil, chair). Associate Professor, University of California, San Diego |
2003 |
Shannon L. Dawdy |
"La Ville Sauvage: ‘Enlightened’ Colonialism and Creole Improvisation in New Orleans, 1699-1769" (Fernando Coronil and Julius Scott, co-chairs). Associate Professor, University of Chicago |
2002 |
Ilana Kay Feldman |
"Interesting Times, Insecure States: The work of government and the making of Gaza in the British mandate and the Egyptian administration, 1917-67" (Ann Stoler and Brinkley Messick, co-chairs). Associate Professor, George Washington University |
2001 |
Setrag Manoukian |
"The City of Knowledge: History and Culture in Contemporary Shiraz" (Brinkley Messick, chair). Associate Professor, McGill University |
Carole McGranahan |
"Arrested Histories: Between empire and exile in 20th century Tibet" (Ann Stoler and Nicholas Dirks, co-chairs). Associate Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder |
2000 |
Steven Todd Pierce |
"Looking for the Legal: Land, law, and Colonialism in Kano Emirate, Nigeria" (Fred Cooper, chair). Lecturer in Modern African History, University of Manchester - UK |
Paul K. Eiss |
"Redemption's Archive: Revolutionary figures and Indian work in Yucatán, Mexico" (Rebecca Scott and Fernando Coronil, co-chairs). Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon University |
1999 |
Anne Elizabeth Hardgrove |
"Community as public culture in modern India: The Marwaris in Calcutta c. 1897-1997" (Nicholas Dirks and Thomas Trautmann, co-chairs). Associate Professor, University of Texas at San Antonio |
Leila Olga Hudson |
"Cultural Capital: Wealth and values in late Ottoman Damascus" (Joshua Cole and Brinkley Messick, co-chairs). Associate Professor, University of Arizona |
Anupama P. Rao |
"Undoing Untouchability? Violence, democracy, and discourses of state in Maharashtra, 1932-1991" (Valentine Daniel and Nicholas Dirks, co-chairs). Associate Professor, Barnard College, Columbia University |
1998 |
Laura Charlotte Bear |
"Traveling Modernity: Capitalism, community and nation in the colonial governance of the Indian railways" (Nicholas Dirks, chair). Academic Faculty, London School of Economics |
Laurent Dubois |
"A Colony of Citizens: Revolution and slave emancipation in the French Caribbean, 1789-1802" (Fernando Coronil, chair). Professor, Duke University |
Anjan Kumar Ghosh |
"Partial Truths: Rumor and communal violence in South Asia, 1946-92" (Nicholas Dirks, chair). |
1997 |
Anne Bernadette Waters |
"Predicaments of Women: The family and the state in the construction of subjectivity in Maharashtra, India" (Nicholas Dirks, chair). Exec Director Office of International Programs, University of Pennsylvania |
Thomas Cox Wolfe |
"Imagining Journalism: Politics, government and the person in the press in the Soviet Union and Russia, 1953-1993" (Nicholas Dirks and Jane Burbank, co-chairs). Associate Professor, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities |
1996 |
Lessie Jo Frazier |
"Memory and State Violence in Chile: A historical ethnography of Tarapaca, 1890-1995" (Fernando Coronil, chair). Associate Professor, Indiana University-Bloomington |
Rosario A. Montoya Del Solar |
"Fractured Solidarities: Utopian projects and local hegemonies among a Sandinista peasantry, Nicaragua, 1979-1995" (Ruth Behar, chair). Assistant Professor, Women’s Studies, Western Michigan University |