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Graduates of the Anthro-History Program

Amir Syed  

"Al-ḤājjʿUmar Tāl and the Realm of the Written: Mastery, Mobility and Islamic Authority in 19th Century West Africa" (Rudolph(Butch) Ware, chair).

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pittsburgh

Tasha Rijke-Epstein  

"Architectures of Belonging: Moral Economies of Urban Place-Making in Mahajanga, Madagascar" (Gabrielle Hecht, Gillian Felley-Harnik, co-chairs).

Assistant Professor, Vanderbilt University

Shana Melnysyn  

"Vagabonds, Carriers, Spirits, and Chiefs: Conflict and Mediation in Portuguese Angola, 1880-1910" (Nancy Rose Hunt, chair).

Grants Officer, University of California Humanities Research Institute, Orange County

Robyn d'Avignon  

"Making Artisanal Miners: Nature, Knowledge, and Subterranean History in Senegal" (Gabrielle Hecht, chair).

Assistant Professor, New York University

Joseph Viscomi  

"Out of Time: History, Presence, and the Departure of the Italians of Egypt, 1933-Present" (Dario Gaggio, Andrew Shryock, co-chairs).

Faculty Fellow, Ctr for European and Mediterranean Studies, New York University

Luciana Aenasoaie  

"Weaving and Unraveling the Factory Town: Social Alterations and European Belonging in the Aftermath of Romanian Industrial Collapse, 1950-2015" (Alaina Lemon, chair).

Assistant Director, UROP, University of Michigan

Ismail Alatas  

"Aligning the Sunna and the Jama'a: Religious Authority and Islamic Social Formation in Contemporary Central Java, Indonesia" (Webb Keane, chair).

Assistant Professor, New York University

Adriana Chira



"The Uneasy Intimacies: Race, Family, and Property in Santiago de Cuba, 1803-1868" (Rebecca Scott, Jesse Hoffnung-Garskof, co-chairs).

Assistant Professor, Emory University

Joshua Coene   "The Contentious Prison: From Rehabilitation to Incapacitation in New South Wales and Pennsylvania, 1965-1990" (Matthew Lassiter, chair).
Edgar Taylor  

"Asians and Africans in Ugandan Urban Life, 1959-1972" (Derek Peterson, chair).

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Witwatersrand

Davide Orsini  

"Life in the Nuclear Archipelago: Cold War Technopolitics and US Nuclear Submarines in Italy" (Gabrielle Hecht, Stuart Kirsch, co-chairs).

Assistant Professor, Mississippi State University

Bertrand Metton  

"From the Popular Front to the Eastern Front: Youth Movements, Travel, and Fascism in France (1930-1945)" (Ronald Suny, chair).

Lecturer, City University of New York-Queens

Ali Sipahi  

"At Arm’s Length: Historical Ethnography of Proximity in Harput" (Andrew Shryock, chair).

Assistant Professor, Ozyegin University

Andrea Grace Wright  

"Migratory Pipelines: Labor and Oil in the Arabian Sea" (Matthew Hull, Farina Mir, co-chairs).

Assistant Professor, College of William and Mary

Christopher Estrada  

"Caboclos of Nazareth: Improvisation and Renovation in Maracatu de Baque Solto of Pernambuco" (Sueann Caulfield, Stuart Kirsch, co-chairs).

Visiting Research Associate, King's College London




Daniel Birchok


"Sojourning on Mecca’s Porch: Place, Temporality and Islamic Practice in an Indonesian Province" (Webb Keane, chair).

Assistant Professor, University of Michigan-Flint

Federico Helfgott


"Transformations in Labor, Land and Community: Mining and Society in Pasco, Peru, 20th Century to the Present" (Stuart Kirsch and Bruce Mannheim, co-chairs).

Lecturer, National University of San Marcos

Purvi Mehta


"Recasting Caste: Histories of Dalit Transnationalism and the Interationalization of Caste Discrimination" (Farina Mir, chair).

Assistant Professor, Colorado College

Esteban Rozo Pabon


"Remaking Indigeneity:  Conversion and Colonization in Northwest Amazonia" (Stuart Kirsch, chair).

Professor Principal, Universidad del Rosario

Ian Stewart

  "The Tenacity of Bondage: An Anthropological History of Slavery and Unfree Labor in Sierra Leone" (Paul Johnson and Kelly Askew, co-chairs).

Andrew Conroe


"Generating History: Violence and the Risks of Remembering for Families of Former Political Prisoners in Post-New Order Indonesia" (E. Webb Keane, chair).

Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore

Dong Ju Kim


"Taking Better Care of the Fields: Knowledge Politics of Sugar Beet, Soil, and Agriculture after Socialism in Western Poland" (Gillian Feeley-Harnik and Brian A. Porter-Szucs, co-chairs).

Assistant Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology

Stephen Sparks


"Apartheid Modern: South Africa’s Oil from Coal Project and the History of a Company Town" (Gabrielle Hecht, chair).

Lecturer, Department of History, University of Johannesburg



Danna Agmon


"An Uneasy Alliance: Traders, Missionaries, and Tamil Intermediaties in Eighteenth-Century French India" (Diane Owen Hughes and Sumathi Ramaswamy, co-chairs).

Assistant Professor, Department of History, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Janam Mukherjee


"Hungry Bengal; War, Famine, Riots, and the End of Empire, 1939-1946" (Barbara Metcalf, chair).

Assistant Professor, Ryerson University



Heloise Finch-Boyer


"We could have had a revolution! “Creolizing” French citizenship and social rights in La Reunion, a French Overseas Department 1946-2009" (David W. Cohen, chair).

Grants Manager, Leyton UK

Emanuela Grama


"Searching for Heritage, Building Politics: Architecture, Archaeology, and Representations of the Past in Romania (1947-2007)" (Gillian Feelely-Harnik & Katherine Verdery, co-chairs).

Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon University

Sergio Huarcaya


"Othering National Identity Alterity and Indigenous Activism in Otavolo, Ecuador" (Fernando Coronil & Bruce Mannheim, co-chairs).

University of the Pacific, Lima Peru



Sonja Luehrmann


"Forms and Methods: Teaching Atheism and Religion in the Mari Republic, Russian Federation" (Alaina Lemon, chair).

Associate Professor, Simon Fraser University

Monica Patterson


"Constructions of Childhood in Apartheid's Last Decades" (David W. Cohen, chair).

Assistant Professor, Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

Robert Chidester


"Class, Community, and Materiality in a Blue-Collar Baltimore Neighborhood:  An Archaeology of Hampden-Woodberry" (Henry Wright, chair).

Archaeology Team Leader (Project Manager), Mannik & Smith Group

Christian Williams


"Exile History: An Ethnography of the SWAPO Camps and the Namibian Nation" (David W. Cohen, chair).

Senior Lecturer, Department of Anthropology, University of the Free State



Sarah R. Arvey


"Labyrinths of Love: Sexual Propriety, Family, and Social Reform in the Second Cuban Republic, 1933-1958" (Rebecca Scott, chair).

Senior Consultant, Health Management Associates.

Chandra D. Bhimull


"Empire in the Air:  Speed, Perception, and Airline Travel in the Atlantic World" (Sonya Rose, chair).

Associate Professor, Colby College

Caroline Jeannerat

  "An Ethnography of Faith: Personal Conceptions of Religiosity in the Aouspansberg, South Africa, in the 19th and 20th Centuries" (David W. Cohen, chair).

Katrin L. Jellema


"When You Drink from the Stream, Remember the Soruce:  A Moral Geography of Memory in Renovation-Age Vietnam" (Gillian Feeley-Harnik, chair).

Director, Graduate School, Marlboro College



Zareena Grewal


"Imagined Cartographies: Crisis, Displacement, and Islam in America" (Sherman Jackson and Andrew Shryock, co-chairs).

Assistant Professor, Yale University

Edward L. Murphy


"A Home of One's Own: Finding a Place in the Fractured Landscapes of Urban Chile" (Fernando Coronil, chair).

Associate Professor, Michigan State University

E. Natalie Rothman


"Between Venice and Istanbul: Trans-Imperial Subjects and Cultural Mediation in the Early Modern Mediterranean" (Diane Owen Hughes, chair).

Associate Professor, University of Toronto

Siew Min Sai

  "Representing the Past of Chinese Language Education: Language, History and Chinese Identities in Indonesia" (E. Webb Keane, chair).

Marina E. Welker


"Global Capitalism and the "Caring Corporation": Copper Mining and Corporate Social Responsibility in Sumbawa, Indonesia" (E. Webb Keane, chair).

Associate Professor, Cornell University



Jennifer L. Gaynor


"Liquid Territory: Subordination, Memory and Manuscripts among Sama People" (Rudolf Mrazek and Ann Stoler, co-chairs).

Assistant Professor, University at Buffalo-State Univ of New York

Stefan Henning


"Nowhere Beyond Good and Evil:  Muslim Activism in China as Ethical Critique, 1929-2001" (Erik Mueggler and Brinkley Messick, co-chairs).

Visiting Assistant Professor, Northwestern University

Eric Andrew Stein


"Vital Times:  Power, Public Health, and Memory in Rural Java" (Nancy Hunt  and Ann Stoler, co-chairs).

Faculty, Evergreen State College



David E. Pederson


"American Value: Migrants, Money and Modernity in El Salvador and the United States" (Fernando Coronil, chair).

Associate Professor, University of California, San Diego



Shannon L. Dawdy


"La Ville Sauvage: ‘Enlightened’ Colonialism and Creole Improvisation in New Orleans, 1699-1769" (Fernando Coronil and Julius Scott, co-chairs).

Associate Professor, University of Chicago



Ilana Kay Feldman


"Interesting Times, Insecure States: The work of government and the making of Gaza in the British mandate and the Egyptian administration, 1917-67" (Ann Stoler and Brinkley Messick, co-chairs).

Associate Professor, George Washington University



Setrag Manoukian


"The City of Knowledge:  History and Culture in Contemporary Shiraz" (Brinkley Messick, chair).

Associate Professor, McGill University

Carole McGranahan


"Arrested Histories: Between empire and exile in 20th century Tibet" (Ann Stoler and Nicholas Dirks, co-chairs).

Associate Professor, University of Colorado, Boulder



Steven Todd Pierce


"Looking for the Legal: Land, law, and Colonialism in Kano Emirate, Nigeria" (Fred Cooper, chair).

Lecturer in Modern African History, University of Manchester - UK

Paul K. Eiss


"Redemption's Archive: Revolutionary figures and Indian work in Yucatán, Mexico" (Rebecca  Scott and Fernando Coronil, co-chairs).

Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon University



Anne Elizabeth Hardgrove


"Community as public culture in modern India: The Marwaris in Calcutta c. 1897-1997" (Nicholas Dirks and Thomas Trautmann, co-chairs).

Associate Professor, University of Texas at San Antonio

Leila Olga Hudson


"Cultural Capital: Wealth and values in late Ottoman Damascus" (Joshua Cole and  Brinkley Messick, co-chairs).

Associate Professor, University of Arizona

Anupama P. Rao


"Undoing Untouchability? Violence, democracy, and discourses of state in Maharashtra, 1932-1991"  (Valentine Daniel and Nicholas Dirks, co-chairs).

Associate Professor, Barnard College, Columbia University



Laura Charlotte Bear


"Traveling Modernity: Capitalism, community and nation in the colonial governance of the Indian railways" (Nicholas Dirks, chair).

Academic Faculty, London School of Economics

Laurent Dubois


"A Colony of Citizens: Revolution and slave emancipation in the French Caribbean, 1789-1802" (Fernando Coronil, chair).

Professor, Duke University

Anjan Kumar Ghosh


"Partial Truths: Rumor and communal violence in South Asia, 1946-92" (Nicholas Dirks, chair).



Anne Bernadette Waters


"Predicaments of Women: The family and the state in the construction of subjectivity in Maharashtra, India" (Nicholas Dirks, chair).

Exec Director Office of International Programs, University of Pennsylvania

Thomas Cox Wolfe


"Imagining Journalism: Politics, government and the person in the press in the Soviet Union and Russia, 1953-1993" (Nicholas Dirks and Jane Burbank, co-chairs).

Associate Professor, University of Minnesota, Twin Cities



Lessie Jo Frazier


"Memory and State Violence in Chile: A historical ethnography of Tarapaca, 1890-1995" (Fernando Coronil, chair).

Associate Professor, Indiana University-Bloomington

Rosario A. Montoya Del Solar


"Fractured Solidarities: Utopian projects and local hegemonies among a Sandinista peasantry, Nicaragua, 1979-1995" (Ruth Behar, chair).

Assistant Professor, Women’s Studies, Western Michigan University