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Los Hijos Film Collective

Film Collective: Seminars, Talk, and Workshops
Monday, March 11, 2024
4:00-7:00 PM
RLL Commons (MLB 4314) Modern Languages Building Map
Film collective Los hijos was founded in 2008. Their radical forms of filmic experimentation combined video art, ethnography, and avant-garde cinema to deconstruct established and hegemonic narratives about Spanish identity and history. In films like Los materiales (2009), Enero 2012 o el apoteosis de Isabel la Católica (2012) or Árboles (2013), Natalia Marín Sancho, Javier Fernández Vázquez, and Luis López Carrasco touch upon salient issues such as the Spanish colonial presence in Guinea, the legacies of the fascist dictatorship of Francisco Franco, and the widespread consequences of the social and economic crisis of 2008.

Please join us in a series of seminars, workshops, and lectures where Los hijos will reflect on how filmic experimentation can shed a light on colonial domination, political violence, social class discrimination, and racism in contemporary Spain. All events will be hybrid, by RSVP, and conducted in Spanish.
Building: Modern Languages Building
Event Type: Lecture / Discussion
Tags: Activism, Anthropology, Art, authoritarian, civil rights, Culture, Dei, Discussion, Diversity, European Studies, Film, Free, government, History, Human Rights, Humanities, In Person, international, international institute, Language, Latin America, Media, Multicultural, Politics, Romance Languages And Literatures, Social Impact, Social Justice, Social Unrest, Spain, Talk, Virtual, Visual Arts, Workshop
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Romance Languages & Literatures RLL, The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, International Institute, Weiser Center for Europe and Eurasia, African Studies Center, U-M Office of Research
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