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Honors Ballet

Saturday, October 7, 2023
1:00-3:30 PM
Hoover Street Studio Off Campus Location
Calling all dancers! Join us for FREE Honors Ballet class on non-football Saturdays! Led by Stephanie Chervin (the Honors pre-med advisor in real life.) Participation in five classes will earn one Honors engagement point.

Classes are held on Saturdays. Intermediate/advanced classes take place from 1-2:30pm. Beginner classes take place from 2:30-3:30pm.

Dates: September 30; October 7, 21, 28; and November 11, 18.
Location: Hoover Street Studio
Registration is open!
Building: Off Campus Location
Location: 323 E Hoover Ave, Ann Arbor, MI 48105
Event Type: Class / Instruction
Tags: #Honors Program
Source: Happening @ Michigan from LSA Honors Program
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