Karl Pohrt Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
[email protected]Office Information:
1664 Haven Hall
phone: 734.764.6373
Europe; Global & World ; Nations & Nationalism; Politics & Power; History
D.Phil., Sussex University, 1974B.A., Balliol College, Oxford University, 1970
Highlighted Work and Publications
Exile to the Ages (or, Returning Karl Marx To Our Time) Los Angeles Review of Books
Name of Periodical: Los Angeles Review of Books Year of Publication: 2013The Past Under Erasure? History, Memory, and the Contemporary
Geoff Eley
Abstract This article seeks to explore some particularities of history writing in the present. It considers in turn the meanings of the contemporary interest in memory, the different ways in which ideas about and images of the past circulate through the mass-mediated public sphere of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, the complexities of publicness and the public sphere, and the shifting boundaries between popular ideas of the past and changes in the discipline of history. It then turns to the example of (West) Germany between the 1960s and now. The article concludes with some... See More