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Emeritus / Emerita

Geoff Eley
Karl Pohrt Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
1664 Haven Hall 734.764.6373
Clement Hawes
Professor Emeritus
3172 Angell Hall 734.936.2700
Joel D. Howell
Elizabeth Farrand Professor Emeritus of History, Internal Medicine, and Health Management & Policy
2512 Haven Hall 734.615.8341
Diane Owen Hughes
Associate Professor Emerita
Jeff Jentzen
Professor Emeritus of History and Pathology, U-M Medical School
Margaret (Peggy) Somers
Professor Emerita of Sociology and History
Ronald G. Suny
William H. Sewell Jr Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
1767 Haven Hall
Thomas R. Trautmann
Professor Emeritus of History and Anthropology
Wang Zheng
Professor Emerita of History and Women's and Gender Studies