U-M History Launches Reverb Effect Podcast
The University of Michigan Department of History has launched Reverb Effect, its first foray into the world of podcasting. Produced entirely in-house by current and recent graduate students, the show dives deep into the archives, shares amazing stories about the past, and talks with people who are making history now.
Learn more about the first three episodes below or subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, or Google Play Music.
- Episode 1: Street Harassment, Then and Now: The simultaneously mundane, yet traumatic experience of being harassed on the street. (featuring Molly Brookfield and Stephanie Fajardo)
- Episode 2: Archive Magic: Uncovering Voices of the Past: Stories about the surprises of the archive—how living, breathing voices of subjects, historical and contemporary, can enrich our historical understanding. (featuring J. Martin Vest and Matt Villeneuve)
- Episode 3: Evidence of Absence: Lilli Segal, the KGB, and the AIDS Crisis: A look into the idea of fake news—how it spreads, and what do we do when it's actually fake? (featuring Johanna Folland, David Hutchinson, and David Spreen)