We invite you to join the virtual commencement celebration of this year’s graduating History majors, the class of 2021. This year's celebration will take place at 3 PM, April 30, 2021, via Zoom. The full video of the ceremony is available below.
The History Undergraduate Commencement is open to History students, friends, family, and History faculty and staff. Please message [email protected] for registration information.
Other History commencement links: 2021 History Honors Symposium webpage, 2021 History PhD Ceremony webpage.
Commencement Program
Stephen A. Berrey
Associate Professor of History and American Culture
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Kate Wroblewski
Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies
Opening Remarks
James W. Cook
History Department Chair
Professor of History and American Studies
Student Speaker
Chase Glasser
Class of 2021
Undergraduate Teaching Award
Howard Brick
Louis Evans Professor of History
Presented by Stephen A. Berrey
Undergraduate Award for Leadership and Service
Jillian Luciow
Class of 2021
Presented by Kate Wroblewski
Student Speaker
Kelly O'Donnell
Class of 2021
Keynote Address: The Past, the Present, and the Pandemic
Martin S. Pernick
Professor Emeritus
Martin S. Pernick studies the history of value issues in medicine and the historical connections between medicine and mass culture. He joined U-M in 1979. Among his numerous publications are two books: A Calculus of Suffering: Pain, Professionalism, and Anesthesia in Nineteenth-Century America (1985) and The Black Stork: Eugenics and the Death of "Defective" Babies in American Medicine and Motion Pictures Since 1915 (1996).
Recognition of Graduates
Presented by:
Christian de Pee
Associate Professor of History
Jennifer Dominique Jones
Assistant Professor of History and Women's & Gender Studies
Kenneth Mills
J. Frederick Hoffman Professor of History
Melanie Tanielian
Associate Professor of History
Special Congratulatory Message from the History Department
Student Speaker
Barbara Mellace
Class of 2021
University of Michigan
Department of History
Class of 2021
(Students graduating Fall 2020-Summer 2021)
Charlotte Louise Abrams
Bryce C. Akins
Katelyn Albrecht
Amir Kasim Ali
Basil Alsubee
Marcelle Angeles
Bridget Tukey Triggs Anscombe
Jack R. Beckman
Timothy A. Bennett
Grace Bergeron
Nathan Berman
Mikayla Bird
Robert D. Bjerke
Elise Nicole Borbely
Tessa Bradley
Daniel Brennan
Mason T. Brudzinski
Liesa Bruin
Joseph Bugaj
Brandon Burkhardt
Whitney M. Burkit
Katherine Burney
Isabella Buzynski
Jocelyne Campos
Ana Cecilia Carreto Cardona
Rece Carter
Miranda Chambers
Vincent Michael Chandler
John Chase
Yi Chen
Brooke Christians
Anthony Cichocki
Teresa Clark
John Cobau
Eve Cornelius
Haleigh Cotton
Emily Crabtree
Aniela Crayton
Alison Cromer
Bradley Cronk
Jacob Dale
John Davidson
Sanjay Day
Cory Dubin
Lauren Dunbeck
Benjamin Elbaum
Joseph Emrick Jr.
William Fitzharris
Scott C. Flake
Calvin Frifeldt
Audrey Gao
Noah Garfinkel
Alexander Gavulic
David Lee Gerding II
Dustin Gladstone
Chase Glasser
Madeleine Glasser
Gabriela Glueck
Hailey Glushyn
Cari Griffin
Nicholas Henderlong
Adrian Huntley
James Hutchins IV
Kevin Hutkowski
Aparna Ramanan Iyer
Audrey Jacobsen
Paul Jakobson
Sophia Jaskoski
Emilia Jonic
Kelly C. Kacan
William Kelly
Isabelle Kenhard
Hope Kennedy
Nisreen Khokhar
Promise Kim
John G. Kistler
Christopher Kovacs
Brandon Lanesey
Riley Langefeld
Greta Anne Leader
Max Lee
Silas C. Lee
Jonathan Lelo
Evan Mathew Locey
Maria Louise LoCicero
Jillian Luciow
Frances Mackethan
Caroline Martin
Barbara Mellace
Eliana Metni
Taylor Mikkelson
Benjamin Mikula
Georgia Minkoff
Abigail Jean Miya
Rachel Moloney
Donald Molosky Jr.
Justin T. Murphy
Shannon Murphy
Aviva S. Nemeth
Henry Newman
Alayna Nugent
Kelly Erin O'Donnell
Liam O'Toole
Jacob Pasche
Brian Davis Paul
Sarah Payne
Tyrone Larue Pettygrue
Audrey M. Pierce
Marissa Pruitt
Philip Rapoport
Kyungsook Ri
Adam Rich
Brenna Ringwelski
Samuel Rosenblum
Sabine Rundlet
Jasmine Sadeghi
Estrella Salgado
Anya Satyawadi
Laura E. Scerbak
Caroline Schneider
Jason Semaya
Dillon Shain
Aashika Shetty
Grace Shulman
Julia Sage Sherman Silverman
Nagarjun Singaram
Conor T. Smith
Gideon G. Sochay
Sofia Spencer
Laura Stahl
James Stinnett
Sarah Elizabeth Sukal
Jacob Randolph Talbot
Austin Teholiz
Tanushri Thakur
Victoria Thede
Marissa Thomas
Alexandra Tretyakova
Anna Vanneste
Zachary Vega
Jaclyn Wachs
Andrew Warrick
Marissa Weiner
Justin Weiss
Molly Elizabeth-Anne Wilson
Eric Wroldsen
Xinyun Wu
Makayla Wyly
Zhi Xin
Isabella Grace Young
Shiqi Zhang
Isabel Zuniga