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This semester our CG worked with Amnesty International as our Global Engagement Internship for the semester. Amnesty International is a nonprofit organization based in the United Kingdom that focuses on global human rights. The problems that Amnesty tackles in regard to human rights addresses issues like human trafficking, refugee rights, unlawful imprisonment, gun rights, and numerous other important topics. Amnesty International's vision is to help create a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and this vision has been a core driver in all of Amnesty's work.  

Our specific role within Amnesty was incredibly diverse. Initially we participated within the Write for Rights Campaign, an initiative that focused on contacting foreign governments on unlawful imprisonment and second semester we contacted the governments of individuals on Amnesty's "Urgent Actions" list (This list contained people wrongfully on trial that needed urgent help) to petition the government to not wrongly convict these individuals. We also conducted an awareness & fundraising event for Amnesty International that provided students at The University of Michigan information about the world refugee crisis and Amnesty's role within helping to address it. Looking towards the future, there will potentially be a new Amnesty International Chapter at the University of Michigan.