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Richard Abel
Professor Emeritus of International Cinema and Media Studies
Jessica Argiero
Graduate Program Coordinator
5378 North Quad
105 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285
Thea Bude
Chief Administrator
6330 N. Quad
105 South State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Jim Burnstein
John H. Mitchell Professor of Entertainment; Director of Screenwriting Program
Susan Douglas
Catherine Neafie Kellogg Professor, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor
Herbert Eagle
Associate Professor, Chair Slavic
Geoff Eley
Karl Pohrt Distinguised University Professor of Contemporary History;
Colin Gunckel
Department Chair, Department of Film, Television, and Media; Associate Professor of Department of Film, Television, and Media and American Culture
Surface Mail: 505 S. State Street | 3722 Haven Hall;Ann Arbor MI 48109-1045 734.615.2935
Daniel Herbert
Professor; Department of Film, Television, and Media
6413 North Quad
Daniel Herwitz
Frederick G. L. Huetwell Professor of Comp Lit, Hist of Art, Philosophy and Art & Design
435 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Ira Konigsberg
Professor Emeritus
Film, Television, and Media; 4198 Angel Hall; 1003 734.647.6762
Lucy Koukoudian
Program Assistant
6330 N. Quad
105 South State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Madhumita Lahiri
Assistant Professor of English Language and Literature, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
David Marek
Lecturer IV; Associate Chair; Undergraduate Advisor
Sheila C. Murphy
Associate Professor; Director of Graduate Studies
6437 North Quad 734.615.7089
Lisa Nakamura
Gwendolyn Calvert Baker Collegiate Professor of American Culture
Surface Mail: 505 S. State Street | 3722 Haven Hall, Ann Arbor MI 48109-1045 734.615.6472
Yuki Nakayama
Doctoral Candidate
6442 North Quad 734-764-0147
Markus Nornes
Professor of Asian Cinema
202 S. Thayer, Suite 6111; Ann Arbor, MI 48104-1608 734.647.2093
Melissa Phruksachart
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Film, Television, and Media Core Faculty in Asian/Pacific Islander American Studies
Yeidy M. Rivero
Surface Mail: 105 S. State Street | 6330 North Quad, Ann Arbor MI 48109-1285 734.764.0147
Tanya Silverman
Certificate Student
3rd Floor MLB
812 East Washington Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1275
Paul Sutherland
New Media Technician and Instruction
1423 NQ 647-4136
Johannes von Moltke
Rudolf Arrnheim Collegiate Professor of German Studies and Film, Television, & Media
6330 North Quad
Vince Yi
Undergraduate Coordinator
6340 North Quad
105 South State Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109