Earlier this year, the NBPC, National Black Program Consortium, selected eight winners for its new incubator program, NBPC 360; Street Cred, a reality show documenting the challenges 12 Detroit high school students must overcome to meet entertainment/production skill-based tasks in order to win a dream internship, now produced by Sharrief and Goldenberg, was one of the eight winners. In mid-October, the NBPC partnered with Silicon Harlem at the 2nd Annual Tech Conference and created Hack 360, a competition whose theme was "gamification"; participants worked for over two days to create prototypes for games to promote their TV series. Sharrief and Goldenberg won the Jury Prize with their Street Cred Movie Mogul game app, a game whose goal is for players to build their film company and work their way toward getting their name on a Hollywood star and becoming a movie mogul. Gamers - the app is targeted at high school students - complete film-based challenges and logic games designed to teach them how the film industry works and to demystify the path to success.