Teaching Professor, Lecturer IV
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Office Information:
4221 Angell Hall
hours: Mondays from 3-4pm and Tuesdays from 3:30-4:30pm. Current students have access to google doc sign-up for (virtual) office hours. If not a current student, please email for appointment: [email protected].
Current Courses
ENGLISH 425-001
Advanced Essay Writing
ENGLISH 425-002
Advanced Essay Writing
Highlighted Work and Publications

Creative Composition: Preliminary Edition
by Eileen Pollack, Jeremiah Chamberlin, Natalie Bakopoulos
Nothing is more important to writing and academic inquiry than learning to ask good questions. Questions guide our research, they lead us to uncover deeper truths about our subjects and ourselves, and they are fundamental to developing strong critical-thinking skills. However, our students often arrive in our composition classrooms with the notion that they must start their essays with a thesis statement, that they must begin the writing process from a position of knowledge and authority...
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