Anne Ruggles Gere, Hannah Dickinson, Melinda Mcbee Orzulak, Stephanie Moody
Taking Initiative on Writing: A Guide for Instructional Leaders provides research-based resources for principals who want to develop effective programs of writing instruction in their schools. Writing is an essential skill for learning in secondary school and for life after graduation. New national standards feature writing as a core area for college and career readiness. Following the plan outlined here will help students meet these new standards.
Individual teachers can make important contributions to the development of student writers, but only instructional leaders can engender schoolwide improvement. This guide is designed for busy and cost-conscious instructional leaders who want to develop an effective program of writing instruction that includes assessing the current program, developing plans, implementing action steps, and sustaining innovations over time.
With an online component that enables readers to access resources and communicate with one another, this guide is designed to help leaders meet the challenge of preparing students to meet new national standards for writing.